
Minić: Growing number of organic producers in Srpska

Minić: Growing number of organic producers in Srpska

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management is supporting the development of organic production through a series of measures, with the number of producers and the areas under organic cultivation continuously increasing, said the Minister, Savo Minić.

Minić announced that by the end of the year, this sector will also be regulated by law.

“Since 2019, when we barely had 100 hectares under organic production, today we have more than 1,300 hectares. We also have more than 50 certified livestock farmers in the field of organic production,” Minić stated in Banja Luka, where he opened the 4th “Organic Fest Srpske.”

He added that the goal is to expand organic production through distribution as well as educating consumers about healthy and quality food.

Dragana Zec, head of the department for organic production within the Ministry, noted that as of last year, 105 organic producers were registered in Srpska, and she believes there are even more this year.

“We are working on including and educating organic producers who have not yet been included in the certification and control system,” Zec added.

At the “Organic Fest Srpske,” around 20 exhibitors from Srpska, the Federation of BiH, Serbia, and Croatia are presenting their organic products, including fruits, vegetables, and their processed goods.

Source: RTRS
