
Dodik discusses BiH’s stalled EU path with Varhelyi

Dodik discusses BiH’s stalled EU path with Varhelyi

The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that he spoke this morning with Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi about the stagnation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European path.

He mentioned that he warned about how all international representation institutes of BiH have been privatized with the aim of excluding Serbs from all processes.

“It is evident that BiH is at a complete standstill, not just due to the elections. Foreign policy has been entirely privatized, and all international representation institutes of BiH have been privatized. This leads to new paralysis, which will push BiH towards irrelevance,” Dodik said today in East Sarajevo.

He further stated that the Constitutional Court of BiH, in its current composition, is trying to push through as many decisions as possible, resolving over 100 agenda items daily.

“They need to understand that if they want Serbs to return to the Constitutional Court of BiH, they will have to undo all of this. Otherwise, we will never return. Their complete disregard for the system makes no sense. I had the opportunity to tell Varhelyi that we want to see a growth plan, but don’t ask us to compromise just to supposedly appease Bakir Izetbegović. I don’t care, that’s his problem. I’m not in politics to please Izetbegović and the Muslims. They do this intentionally—Trojka makes a deal, and then the SDA blocks it. Again, Milorad Dodik is expected to give in, but that won’t happen,” Dodik emphasized.

Dodik: Konaković lied at the UN General Assembly

He mentioned that Brussels needs to be aware of this, but they are ignoring it.

“They are infatuated with that structure. You have Elmedin Konaković, who, completely without any agreement within BiH, goes to the UN and tells outright lies. These are not BiH’s positions. He falsely represents himself, but if a Serb were Minister of Foreign Affairs and acted unilaterally like that at the UN, they wouldn’t even return to Sarajevo; an indictment would be filed,” Dodik stated.

Dodik: The court in BiH is only for Serbs

He pointed out that the Court of BiH only targets Serbs.

“They bring in Mahmuljin, attempt to sentence him, and then he disappears. They’re waiting for Dudaković to die and for Naser to fall ill so that there’s no point in prosecuting them. Then they say that only they were the victims, but what about the people who live in East Sarajevo? Aren’t they victims? Kicked out of their homes onto bare ground. Everything has been taken from the Serbs,” Dodik explained.

Dodik: Schmidt is a completely fake figure

Dodik went on to say, “Then Schmidt arrives, a man with no legitimate credentials, imposes something, and all this absurdity is reflected in the fact that he goes to the European Court, but refuses to appear before this one.”

“He is a completely fake figure, with no authority, and we believe that one day this will be resolved. That’s why we engage in politics the way we do. There is nothing worse than acknowledging the power of a foreigner who has no legitimacy. If we and Republika Srpska acknowledge his legitimacy, we will have failed our mission,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
