
Kovačević: Sarajevo acknowledges that Šmit is not the High Representative

Kovačević: Sarajevo acknowledges that Šmit is not the High Representative

Radovan Kovačević, delegate in the Serb Club of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, stated to RTRS that Sarajevo now admits that Christian Schmidt is not the supreme interpreter of the Dayton Agreement and recognizes that he is not the High Representative, especially as Schmidt is set to testify before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in the “Kovačević” case.

Kovačević emphasized that the next step is for Sarajevo to fully accept the facts and join Republika Srpska in affirming that Schmidt is not the High Representative.

“The attitude in Sarajevo towards Christian Schmidt has ranged from love to hate. Initially, they claimed that regardless of their views on his positions, their relationship had to be one of ‘tie the horse where the master says,’ which reflects a certain mentality. Now, we hear statements calling for Schmidt to be declared persona non grata. We are just waiting for them to fully support Republika Srpska’s stance and admit that he is not the High Representative, reaffirming the fact that, according to the Dayton Agreement and Annex 10, he does not hold that position,” Kovačević said.

He added that in Sarajevo, whenever Schmidt acted against Republika Srpska, he had their full backing, which is why they adhered to the mentality of ‘tie the horse where the master says.’

“They are probably accustomed to such a relationship with foreign powers. We Serbs are not. We Serbs have never kissed the chains; we have always fought and will continue to fight for the freedom of our people because, on our land, freedom belongs to our people,” Kovačević concluded.

Source: RTRS
