
Dodik: Hearing before BiH Court – another embarrassment of an unconstitutional institution

Dodik: Hearing before BiH Court – another embarrassment of an unconstitutional institution

The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that yesterday’s hearing against him and the acting director of the Official Gazette, Miloš Lukić, at the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was yet another example of the embarrassment of an unconstitutional institution, from which nothing else could have been expected.

Dodik pointed out that the legal system does not recognize a legislative role for the High Representative, not even for a legitimate one, let alone an illegitimate one who was not appointed according to Annex Ten of the Dayton Peace Agreement nor confirmed by the UN Security Council.

“They ignore this. They believe that through unlawful and unconstitutional decisions, they can buy time for people to become accustomed to such violence and for it to become a norm. I do not believe such approaches are sustainable,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
