
Košarac: unacceptable for Krišto to send an uncoordinated document to Brussels

Košarac: unacceptable for Krišto to send an uncoordinated document to Brussels

Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers Staša Košarac stated that it is completely unacceptable for Chairwoman Borjana Krišto to send a document regarding the current level of reform alignment in the Growth Plan to Brussels, given that it has not been properly coordinated.

Košarac emphasized that all decisions related to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU integration process must fully adhere to the coordination mechanism. He reminded that the Working Group tasked with drafting the Reform Plan for the Growth Plan was established by the Council of Ministers as a temporary body involving all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that the group’s rules of procedure are based on the coordination mechanism.

Therefore, Košarac stated, only those documents that have been agreed upon at all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in line with the coordination mechanism, can be sent to the European Commission.

He further warned that undermining or bypassing the coordination mechanism is a dangerous practice.

“This is a practice we oppose. Republika Srpska firmly stands by constitutional and Dayton principles, as well as the coordination mechanism, which reflects Bosnia and Herzegovina’s constitutional structure. We will not abandon the coordination mechanism, as it ensures the visibility and recognition of all levels of government in the EU integration process,” Košarac said.

He pointed out that Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU path has been stalled in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and stressed that the deadlock cannot be resolved through unilateral actions, but rather through dialogue and agreement among the parties within the Federation.

Chairwoman Borjana Krišto had sent the European Commission a document on the current level of alignment with the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, aiming to continue the process and participation in the plan.

“I have informed the European Commission about the level of agreement on the reform agenda, highlighting the disputed parts that are already widely known to the public,” Krišto stated.

Source: RTRS
