
Karan: A people without a state has no freedom

Karan: A people without a state has no freedom

Professor of constitutional law Siniša Karan stated that having a state means freedom and is the only guarantee for a nation’s survival, not just culturally but also existentially.

Karan emphasized that the Day of Serb Unity, Freedom, and National Flag is one of the most significant dates in the political, historical, and cultural calendar of the Serb people, wherever they may be, as it represents their belonging to a united, national Serb identity.

  • The joint celebration of this day demonstrates the commitment of all Serbs, as a people whose core political value is peace, to preserve their identity and existence – Karan noted, adding that national awareness of Serb unity as the framework for salvation and the future has matured.

He added that the time ahead will show the strength and wise political decision-making regarding the importance of jointly celebrating key dates for the Serb people.

  • I would like to remind everyone of the visionary Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Joint Future of the Serb People, which has created a comprehensive picture of the unity and statehood of the Serb people – the professor of constitutional law remarked.

Karan highlighted that the political awareness, strength in making authentic decisions, and the political subjectivity that builds upon the historical and cultural values of a people are the driving force of modern Serb politics.

  • The power of the Declaration lies in the fact that it marks a turning point in the political subjectivity and strength of the Serbs, not only in terms of culture, religion, ethnicity, and history but also politically, to be united wherever they live – Karan pointed out.

He warned that a people who lose their state lose their freedom and identity, and they simply cease to exist.

  • Wherever the Serb people do not have their state, they slowly disappear. That is why it is of utmost importance for them to know they have their own state wherever they are! – Karan concluded.

The Day of Serb Unity, Freedom, and National Flag, observed on September 15, is celebrated jointly by Serbia and Republika Srpska.

This holiday was established in 2020 as a day of remembrance for the breakthrough of the Salonika front in World War I.

Source: RTRS
