
Literary encounters on Kozara: “The book about Sreten Stojanović” promoted

Literary encounters on Kozara: “The book about Sreten Stojanović” promoted

“The Book about Sreten Stojanović,” published by the Serb Literary Cooperative, was promoted at the Kozara Museum. This work presents the biography of the great sculptor, from his involvement in the Young Bosnia movement to becoming a university professor and academic, through critiques, essays, and studies by around thirty authors.

The book on Sreten Stojanović is yet another in a series of works published in the oldest Serbian literary edition, the “blue circle” of the Serb Literary Cooperative.

In addition to the book on Sreten Stojanović, they have published books on Lubarda, Šumanović, and are preparing one on Paja Jovanović.

“These are books, actually anthologies, about the giants of our culture, as the Serbian Literary Cooperative is not only focused on literature but also on broader cultural themes,” said Nikola Marinković, chief editor of the Serbian Literary Cooperative.

The book encompasses all aspects of Stojanović’s work, from his early reliefs and sculptures to his portrait busts and monumental post-World War II monuments.

“This book aims to position him as a classic of Serb culture, as a creative figure who synthesizes different traditions, interpreting him independently of the modern-conservative-traditional dichotomy, but simply as he is,” Marinković added.

The promotion of “The Book about Sreten Stojanović” is the third event in this year’s Literary Encounters on Kozara.

“From September 13 to 20, we will continue with the program of literary encounters, including panels, literary evenings, and other events,” said Zoran Stanić, program editor of the 52nd Literary Encounters on Kozara.

The central literary evening, titled “Kozara Remembers,” will be held on September 19 at the Prijedor Theater.

Source: RTRS
