
Aulić: The seed of evil from BiH spreads across Europe

Aulić: The seed of evil from BiH spreads across Europe

Saša Aulić, advisor to the Serb member of the BiH Presidency, stated that the attempt by an individual of BiH origin to carry out a terrorist attack in Munich—German media report that the target was the Israeli consulate in the city—is yet another act of terrorism in Europe that unfortunately has a clear connection to BiH.

“It is evident that the seed of evil sown in the 1990s in BiH has long been spreading its toxic fruits throughout Europe. It’s no surprise that officials from many serious states inquire about security challenges of this kind when visiting BiH,” Aulić told Srna.

He reminded that Republika Srpska officials have been consistently warning for years that Islamic terrorism and growing antisemitism in parts of the Federation of BiH are threats that must not be ignored and that BiH’s security institutions must seriously address these issues.

Aulić pointed out that Bosniak politicians and the public turn a blind eye to such matters, thinking they are defending BiH, while failing to realize they are actually causing it the greatest harm.

“The problem won’t disappear if we ignore it; it can only multiply. No one in BiH benefits from it being perceived as the cradle of modern jihadism, as a recent headline from the British BBC indicated,” the advisor to the Serb member of the Presidency emphasized.

Unfortunately, he said, attacks like those happening across Europe suggest that the BBC’s report was not baseless or unfounded.

The attacker, who was killed in a shootout with police in Munich yesterday, was an Austrian citizen of BiH origin and had planned to carry out a terrorist attack with an Islamist background on the Israeli consulate.

Source: RTRS
