
The mantra of “malign Russian influence” has become a joker for Bosniak politicians

The mantra of “malign Russian influence” has become a joker for Bosniak politicians

The mantra of alleged “malign Russian influence in BiH” has become a sort of joker for Bosniak politicians every time they want to hide the real culprits for the stagnation on the EU path, falsely accusing Republika Srpska and President Milorad Dodik, said Staša Košarac, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

  • This mantra has been used countless times by /Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin/ Konaković, and his address at the Bled Strategic Forum was no exception. His claim about the alleged ‘malign Russian influence’ supposedly slowing down the process of BiH’s EU integration is absurd, incorrect, and entirely illogical – Košarac assessed.

He added that he does not wish to analyze why Konaković sees Russian influence, but that it is a huge problem when the Minister of Foreign Affairs misleads the European and global public with classic falsehoods and clichés, spreading anti-Russian hysteria.

  • He continued to “chant” about the mythical, non-existent Russian influence while ignoring the fact that the European path of Srpska and BiH is stalled in the Federation of BiH (FBiH) due to political relations between the “troika” and SDA – Košarac pointed out.

He further added that Konaković ignored the reality that there is no readiness or vision within FBiH on how to resolve the intra-Bosniak political conflict, which is the main cause of the blockades and delays.

  • Instead of addressing this, he did not hesitate to falsely shift the blame onto Srpska, President Dodik, and the alleged Russian influence. He ignored the fact that Srpska has proven to be a constructive partner and that, thanks to the activities of Srpska’s institutions, progress has been made on BiH’s EU path – Košarac wrote on his Instagram profile.

According to him, it is clear that Konaković is fulfilling the tasks of his Western mentors, primarily /Michael/ Murphy and /Christian/ Schmidt, repaying his debts and, as he admitted himself, “tying the horse where his master tells him.”

  • I cannot understand how political Sarajevo can populistically spread lies and anti-Russian hysteria, and be disturbed by the non-existent “malign Russian influence,” yet have absolutely no issue with cheaper and more affordable Russian gas, which is being used by citizens and businesses in FBiH. And all of this thanks to the agreement between President Dodik and Russian President Vladimir Putin – Košarac concluded.

Source: RTRS
