
Dodik: The source of all evil in BiH is the anti-Serb and anti-Dayton policy of the Bosniaks

Dodik: The source of all evil in BiH is the anti-Serb and anti-Dayton policy of the Bosniaks

Due to Izetbegović and the SDA, the entire BiH is stuck in a quagmire, and no one can pull it out anymore. They have privatized every institution, and now their former cadres are attempting to do the same. The SDA is a curse that has never allowed BiH to become a normal community, stated the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

“They have poisoned everything with their hatred against Serbs and Republika Srpska. His gloating over the fact that some American ambassador is targeting the Serb people and applying pressure that affects ordinary people is shameful and beneath contempt,” Dodik wrote on the social media platform X.

He asserts that the Bosniaks have never hidden their intentions, with their main goal being to strip all rights from the Serbs and Croats with the support of foreigners.

“They imposed Komšić on the Croats and had the same plan for the Serbs. If we consider the servility and willingness of the opposition in Srpska to pander to the Bosniaks and foreigners, there is no difference between them and Komšić. Bakir never hid that he has friends in the Islamic world who are waiting for the right circumstances to enable the Bosniaks to realize the program from the Islamic Declaration. He threatened and rattled his sabers, all with the approval of foreigners. For most foreigners, the struggle for the consistent implementation of the Dayton Agreement, which Srpska advocates, was seen as more dangerous than his inflammatory war-mongering rhetoric,” Dodik stated.

Dodik pointed out that it did not bother them when Izetbegović publicly declared that the citizens who vote for Milorad Dodik are a problem for BiH and should be sanctioned, with all of Republika Srpska being disciplined. These words and Izetbegović’s policy are being implemented today by the current American administration.

“In the end, even the Americans realized that Izetbegović had become a problem for them, so they installed the shaky ‘troika’ to more easily influence the situation and relationships in BiH. And now we have the same chaos and crisis, with the SDA continuing to actively contribute to raising tensions. All that chaos is evident in the Federation, and we have never allowed it to spill over into Republika Srpska,” Dodik added.

He emphasized that Republika Srpska is stable and functioning properly despite all the pressures and the Bosniak efforts to continuously work against the Serbs and spread various lies.

“For Republika Srpska, the ‘troika’ and the SDA are the same. They have ensured that BiH remains impossible and unbearable for us. The source of all problems and all evil in BiH is the anti-Serb and anti-Dayton policy advocated by the Bosniaks, which a part of the West supports. This narrative cannot and will not be sustained because it does not reflect the reality of this region. BiH can only survive as a community of Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks, composed of Srpska and the Federation, and in no other way,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
