
There is a significant threat of terrorism in BiH

There is a significant threat of terrorism in BiH

Following the recent attack in the western German city of Solingen, for which the terrorist organization “Islamic State” claimed responsibility, killing three people, legal and security experts are warning that there is a significant threat of terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) as well. They stress that no one knows the exact number of “Islamic State” fighters who have returned from the Middle East.

Experts point out that the Islamist international network, which fought during the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, is globally connected, similar to the connection that existed from Sarajevo to Kabul. They warn that joint institutions in BiH that deal with security issues are avoiding addressing this pressing issue.

“This is one of the most pressing issues here—whether there are individuals who are covertly involved in activities and are connected to radical Islamism. It is certain that they are connected to radical Islamism in BiH and the region, including Kosovo and Metohija, and in North Macedonia. These matters need to be discussed professionally,” said Željko Budimir, a professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Banja Luka.

Saša Mićin, a professor at the Faculty of Security Sciences in Banja Luka, noted that potential terrorists are actively operating in the region.

“We must not forget that they are continuously working and actively operating in our region, as well as in other Balkan countries. Unfortunately, this is something that will likely continue, given the number of migrants and the ongoing migrant crisis. The origins of these people coming to this region and to Western Europe are questionable, and they are susceptible to manipulation by centers of Islamist, particularly Wahhabi, movements,” added Mićin.

Source: RTRS
