
Amidžić: Srpska demonstrates serious resilience and flexibility

Amidžić: Srpska demonstrates serious resilience and flexibility

Minister of Finance and Treasury in the Council of Ministers, Srđan Amidžić, stated that Republika Srpska has shown significant resilience and flexibility, continuing to meet all its obligations despite various pressures.

“As we have consistently met all obligations so far, we will continue to do so in the period ahead,” Amidžić told ATV.

Speaking about the negative audit report on the financial operations of the city of Banja Luka in 2023, Amidžić said that someone will have to be held accountable, as the report clearly indicates violations of the law.

“A negative audit report automatically goes to the prosecutor’s office, and when you receive it, it’s a clear indication that you have broken the law, leaving no room for further discussion,” Amidžić explained.

He emphasized that, for the sake of the citizens, every attempt to introduce a political narrative or deny the presence of irregularities should be dismissed.

“I once again call on the city administration and the mayor to convene their audit team, which was presented as the most competent group in the city capable of identifying all irregularities, and to publicly declare that everything in Banja Luka was above board and that there was no corruption,” Amidžić urged.

He added that the audit report revealed that the city administration does not have the funds to cover all the obligations and projects it has initiated, as Banja Luka is short by more than 10.6 million KM for 2023 alone.

Amidžić pointed out that this situation has led to the loss of some jobs, as small businesses cannot cope with such conditions, ultimately resulting in a reduction in the number of workers.

“I urge the city administration to pay all its obligations to those who have completed work,” Amidžić stated, adding that the responsibility for the mismanagement of funds in Banja Luka does not lie with the Republika Srpska government.

He highlighted that the construction of a promenade in Banja Luka represents a luxury paid for by citizens who currently lack regular water supply.

“On the other hand, the number of employees in the city administration has increased by 300 since the mayor took office, costing more than seven million KM annually,” Amidžić noted.

He also referred to the mayor’s promises of free land plots for young married couples as political manipulations, stressing that nothing will come of it.

Source: RTRS
