
Dodik: Republika Srpska never had a plan for secession

Dodik: Republika Srpska never had a plan for secession

Republika Srpska never had a plan for secession, stated the President of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, at a press conference.

Dodik reminded that for the past 10 years, he has been saying that Srpska has no plans for secession, nor has it ever had such plans.

“We support the territorial integrity of BiH in accordance with the Dayton Agreement. We have the right to political struggle. Srpska is determined to defend its political autonomy. If BiH is not sustainable based on Dayton, then it is not sustainable at all. It would be better to separate peacefully without any conflict. I have no intention of explaining to those who don’t want to understand that there is no plan for secession here,” emphasized Dodik.

Dodik noted that Srpska remains committed to the written Dayton Agreement and will continue to fight for it.

Dodik mentioned that he knows what was discussed during the visit of CIA Director William Burns to Sarajevo and that it was mentioned at the BiH Presidency session that he is not proud of how some of his compatriots are acting on the ground.

“That was enough for us to recognize that he does not support some activities,” Dodik said.

Source: RTRS
