
Cvijanović: Serious hatred resides in Sarajevo

Cvijanović: Serious hatred resides in Sarajevo

Željka Cvijanović, the Serb member of the BiH Presidency, stated that Sarajevo’s politics have been poisoning interethnic and regional relations for decades and that there are no limits to their intolerance towards anything Serb.

Cvijanović noted that the Bosniak obstruction regarding the request for the engagement of Serbian police helicopters to help extinguish fires in Republika Srpska only highlights the environment in which people are living.

  • We have seen a lot in BiH over the past 30 years, but for someone to consciously and deliberately assist a firestorm that is devouring tens of hectares of the Sutjeska National Park by delaying the acceptance of Serbia’s help, which has far superior firefighting capacities, is truly beyond comprehension – Cvijanović said in an interview with the Belgrade-based “Politika.”

Cvijanović emphasized that if Sarajevo had accepted this help as soon as it was offered, the damage caused by the fire would have been significantly reduced.

  • We are very grateful to Serbia for its assistance, as well as for all kinds of support it provides to Republika Srpska – she stated.

Regarding BiH, Cvijanović said that officials from Republika Srpska will continue to fight against Sarajevo’s political arsonists and the consequences of their harmful actions directed against Srpska and its citizens.

Cvijanović expressed her skepticism that the Bosniaks would ever stop challenging the relationship between Republika Srpska and Serbia and acknowledge that it is natural for the same people, who share the same river, to cooperate.

  • I have no reason to be optimistic, because decades of practice show that there are no limits to their intolerance towards anything Serb. I could list examples for days, but the blockade of the arrival of helicopters from Serbia is illustrative enough – she highlighted.

The Serbian member of the BiH Presidency pointed out that helicopters from Republika Srpska have repeatedly extinguished fires in the Federation of BiH, as it is a matter of basic normalcy, humanity, and solidarity that should exist despite all political disagreements.

  • In Sarajevo, it is evident that they don’t think the same way. Serious hatred resides there. Look at the headlines in Sarajevo’s media, where Presidents Vučić and Dodik are equated with Lucifer and the like. And why? Because they respect the Dayton Peace Agreement, because they fight for their people and better relations between Serbia and Srpska, without endangering anyone else – Cvijanović pointed out.

She questioned how joint projects between Serbia and Srpska, such as the Trebinje airport, the Buk Bijela hydropower plant, or the highway that is supposed to connect Belgrade with Banja Luka and even Sarajevo, could be harmful to Bosniaks.

  • Is it in the interest of Bosniak businessmen, transporters, and citizens to travel on worse, rather than better and safer roads? Of course not. But that still doesn’t prevent Sarajevo’s politics from further poisoning interethnic and regional relations, which they have been consistently doing for years, even decades – Cvijanović said.

The Serb member of the BiH Presidency emphasized that the greatest danger for BiH comes from Sarajevo and that all other explanations and accusations against Republika Srpska are attempts to obscure reality.

  • In Sarajevo, constitutional powers are being usurped, and common institutions are being privatized with the intent to serve the interests of only one nation. In Sarajevo, funds that belong to Srpska by distribution are being blocked, projects important for Srpska’s development are being hindered, and offered assistance from Serbia to extinguish fires is being obstructed, etc. – Cvijanović stated.

According to her, hatred towards Serbia and Republika Srpska is being fueled in Sarajevo.

  • If you are capable of consciously making it harder to extinguish fires, stopping someone else’s development projects, blocking funds in joint accounts that would benefit even your own citizens, and not participating in regional initiatives that would benefit your own people and economy, then it means that behind all of this is destructive and irrational hatred, as well as a clear lack of desire to build a state that would be acceptable to everyone. Then it is no wonder that all this causes a reaction from Srpska – Cvijanović said.

Speaking about the outrage of Bosniak organizations because EU representatives paid tribute to Serb victims in Bratunac, including the director of the Memorial Center in Potočari Emir Suljagić, who threatened Europe that it would “pay the price” for this gesture, Cvijanović said that she understood it as sick hysteria, extreme disrespect for Serbian victims, and a direct and monstrous threat aimed at the EU Delegation in BiH.

  • What does it mean when you tell someone, as he did, that they will “pay the price” for something? Many things come to mind, and none of those associations are harmless. However, I see that the judiciary was not too shaken by this threat. It would be interesting to see how they would react if a representative of a Serbian organization had said something similar – Cvijanović said.

She noted that Bosniaks and their representatives have been forgiven for all sorts of things by their mentors for decades, including connections with Al Qaeda, bringing in terrorists during the war who overnight became citizens of BiH, to collaborating with various states that are known enemies of the collective West.

Source: RTRS
