
Karan: Brand should be “kicked out” across the border

Karan: Brand should be “kicked out” across the border

Constitutional law professor Siniša Karan stated that the remarks made by Bundestag member Michael Brand are undiplomatic, inappropriate, and that he should be “kicked out” across the border immediately.

“If that country was his host, it’s at least undiplomatic and inappropriate, and he should be ‘kicked out’ across the border immediately. No parliamentarian, when visiting another country, should undermine that country. If a German said that, it’s doubly worse. His grandfathers committed genocide against the Serb people in these mountains of Kozara and Jasenovac. The last word a German should use towards another people, especially the Serbs, is genocide,” Karan said.

Speaking to reporters in Tjentište, Karan added that if the same principles being demanded here were applied to Germany, a federal state, it would collapse instantly.

Karan emphasized that these regions have been home to three peoples for centuries and that they have never succeeded in finding a formula for coexistence.

“Science, constitutional law, has proven that in a country where two or three constituent peoples are dominant, it can only survive as a federal, complex state. And the Dayton Agreement, however it may seem, is the only one that recognized the form of possible life and coexistence in a federal, complex, multi-ethnic BiH. If these principles are disrupted, its survival is definitively and unequivocally at risk,” Karan said.

Brand, in an interview with Sarajevo’s “Oslobođenje,” made several offensive and malicious comments about Republika Srpska, its institutions, and President Milorad Dodik personally.

He described the Dayton Agreement as an “unjust deal that rewarded war crimes” and one that “violates basic European and Western values,” calling on Germany, the EU, NATO, the OHR, and others to “stand with the people and against the bad guys” in BiH.

Source: RTRS
