
Dodik: Srpska economically and politically stable

Dodik: Srpska economically and politically stable

Republika Srpska is economically and politically stable despite the pressures from certain Western embassies, says President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik.

  • The SNSD (Alliance of Independent Social Democrats) has been fair to our coalition partners and has ceded the most significant positions. We aimed to secure a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly to maintain the strength of the Serb member of the BiH Presidency. This demonstrates that the SNSD is a nationally and state-responsible political party. I hold the same regard for our coalition partners in Srpska and consider them significant – Dodik wrote on his Instagram profile.

He mentioned that he gave several interviews this week to RTRS, ATV,, and Srna.

  • I attended the grand opening of the Olympic Games in Paris, as well as the opening of the “Serb House” – Dodik stated.

Source: RTRS
