
Suljagić responds to Israeli ambassador

Suljagić responds to Israeli ambassador

Director of the Srebrenica Memorial Center, Emir Suljagić, responded on Twitter/X to Israeli Ambassador to Serbia, Yahel Vilan, who in an interview with Serbia’s Tanjug, denied that genocide was committed in Srebrenica. Vilan stated that what happened in Srebrenica was “definitely a very serious war crime, but from an Israeli perspective, it does not represent the term genocide.”

Suljagić believes that such statements are significant steps backward in the fight against genocide and the prevention of future crimes.

“The Srebrenica Memorial Center strongly condemns the recent statements made by Israeli Ambassador to Serbia, Yahel Vilan, denying the genocide that took place in Srebrenica in July 1995. Ambassador Vilan’s statements, suggesting that what happened in Srebrenica does not constitute genocide, are deeply troubling and represent a profound disrespect towards the memory of more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys systematically executed by Bosnian Serb forces.

The genocide in Srebrenica has been unequivocally established and recognized by the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. These verdicts are the result of exhaustive investigations and trials, underscoring the scale and intent of the crimes committed. Denying these findings not only distorts historical truth but also inflicts additional pain on survivors and the families of the victims who continue to seek justice and reconciliation.

Furthermore, the United Nations General Assembly has declared July 11th as the International Day of Remembrance of the Genocide in Srebrenica. This global recognition further solidifies the reality of the genocide, making any denial a blatant disregard of established international consensus.

Ambassador Vilan’s statements are not just a denial of historical facts but also a dangerous step backward in the fight against genocide and the prevention of future atrocities. As a representative of a nation that has suffered its history of profound suffering and genocide, it is particularly disheartening to hear such denial from an Israeli diplomat. The legacy of the Holocaust should teach us the importance of recognizing and condemning all acts of genocide, regardless of where and against whom they occur.

We stand firm in our commitment to honoring the victims, preserving the truth, and educating future generations about the horrors of genocide. We will not be silenced by denial and will continue our mission to ensure that the world remembers and learns from the tragedy of Srebrenica,” wrote Suljagić.

