
Suljagić warns EU delegation they will “pay hellishly”

Suljagić warns EU delegation they will “pay hellishly”

The Director of the Memorial Center in Potočari, Emir Suljagić, warned the EU Delegation in BiH that they would “pay hellishly” for honoring the killed Serbian civilians at the cemetery in Bratunac today.

Suljagić wrote on his X account that he was “shocked, completely shocked” by the EU Delegation’s gesture of respect, which he claims was towards Serbian soldiers.

“What a disgrace. You will pay hellishly for this, mark my words,” Suljagić stated, among other things.

The EU Delegation noted that their Chargé d’Affaires, Adebayo Babajide, and diplomats from EU member states in BiH traveled to Bratunac today and met with the municipal head, Lazar Prodanović, to familiarize themselves with the situation in the municipality, including activities aimed at building trust among communities.

Additionally, the EU Delegation in BiH emphasized that they paid tribute to innocent civilians killed in that area from 1992-95.

“Empathy and respect for all innocent civilian victims, as well as the acceptance of historical and judicially established facts, are crucial for creating an environment conducive to reconciliation,” the EU Delegation stated in their post on X.

After his initial post, Suljagić continued to criticize the EU Delegation in BiH on the same social network.

Source: RTRS
