
Vulin: Only Serbs are being punished

Vulin: Only Serbs are being punished

Senator of Republika Srpska Aleksandar Vulin has called on EU High Representative Josep Borrell and European Commissioner for Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi to either respect all victims or stop pretending to respect any.

“If Borrell and Várhelyi had ever once said that the death of 3,267 killed Serbs in Podrinje was one of the darkest moments in European history, I would have remained silent about them calling Srebrenica a genocide. If they had ever once visited the Bratunac cemetery and looked at the pictures of the slaughtered Serbian children, I would have overlooked their annual increase in the number of Srebrenica victims, and the fact that many of the living visit their graves in Srebrenica as if they were killed and buried there,” Vulin stated in a press release.

He added that if Borrell and Várhelyi had once said that the commander of the Muslim forces in Srebrenica, Naser Orić, was a criminal personally responsible for dozens of slaughtered Serbian civilians, especially for the murdered Serbs on Christmas in the village of Kravica, he would have overlooked their hypocritical calls for reconciliation, despite their spending decades punishing only Serbs.

“But since they never showed that the black scarves of the mothers of Bratunac are worth sympathy and respect as much as the white scarves of the mothers of Srebrenica, and they never laid a flower or shed a tear on any Serb grave, nor visited any massacre site, Vulin told Borrell and Várhelyi that they have no moral, and thus no other right, to blame Serbs for anything, nor to judge or teach the Serbian people.

“Therefore, I will not remain silent, and I will never let you think that there is no one who will confront you with the truth. Dismiss, impose sanctions, but as you remove one who speaks, another will come who will be louder, braver, and more combative. Either respect all victims or stop pretending to respect any,” Vulin concluded, responding to the joint statement by Borrell and Várhelyi that “the genocide in Srebrenica is one of the darkest moments in modern European history.”

Source: Atv
