The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated in an interview with Srna that the goals of Srpska and Serbia are clearly defined by the Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Joint Future of the Serb People. He mentioned that everything agreed upon at the All-Serbian Assembly, held on June 8 in Belgrade, has been realized.

  • “Our joint actions aim to make decisions that protect our people, not work against others as some passionate individuals claim. This is part of our national program that allows equal rights for everyone but does not permit the demonization of Serbs to make them an unreliable interlocutor and open the way for the abolition of Srpska and the taking away of our rights. Within the rights guaranteed by Dayton, Republika Srpska will continue to fight for stronger relations with Serbia and strengthening its autonomy,” emphasized Dodik.


When asked to comment on a letter reportedly sent by German tourist Christian Schmidt to the President of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, Nenad Stevandić, in which he expresses his opinion that the Declaration contains “several problematic conclusions that are directly contrary to the Dayton Agreement,” President Dodik responded that the person falsely presenting himself as the High Representative, although he is not, has only one problem with the Declaration and the All-Serb Assembly, which is that Srpska and Serbia clearly and unequivocally state that Christian Schmidt is not the High Representative.

  • “He is in BiH illegally under the pressure of part of the West that supports him. He has caused chaos and a crisis in BiH from which no one can find a way out. The decision of part of the West to embark on such an adventure has led to a situation where peaceful separation becomes the only option. We are ready to talk and work with everyone in BiH without foreign interference and try to achieve something on the European path, but as long as the Americans involve Schmidt in this story, it will not be possible. The European path of BiH is possible only without Schmidt and Michael Murphy,” Dodik concluded.

President Dodik explained that peaceful separation is a reaction to the actions, or a response to the adventure and chaos initiated by the West, solely aimed at preventing any dialogue between domestic, legally and legitimately elected officials in BiH.

Officials from Srpska, Dodik pointed out, have always been open and ready to talk with partners at the BiH level, with maximum respect for the letter of the Dayton Peace Agreement. However, Murphy and Schmidt continuously block this, as they prefer crisis and chaos over dialogue, aiming to dismantle Dayton and create a unitary BiH with absolute dominance of the Bosniak people, reducing Serbs and Croats, the constituent peoples in BiH, to the level of national minorities, which will, of course, never happen.


Regarding Murphy’s statement that, after the challenges with material reconstruction in BiH following Dayton, the focus of the USA-BiH partnership was on building institutions crucial for the further functioning of BiH, such as the Prosecutor’s Office, the Court, the Armed Forces of BiH, Dodik emphasized in an interview with Srna that the Prosecutor’s Office and the Court of BiH do not exist and are unconstitutional institutions imposed and controlled by the Americans, as Murphy himself stated.

  • “People working there follow American orders, having nothing to do with law and justice. American Ambassador Murphy has contributed the most to the dismantling of Dayton’s BiH. Republika Srpska has done everything to preserve a Dayton, constitutional, autonomous BiH, but they forcibly imposed what we have never agreed to, supporting the Bosniaks in developing their idea of a unitary movement, which is anti-Dayton and unconstitutional,” Dodik emphasized.

No matter how much they threaten, blackmail, or sanction, Dodik stated, they cannot and will not change the mindset of people who know that everything America and its ambassador are doing is not good for Serbs, Bosniaks, or Croats.

According to Dodik, this is beneficial only for American interests, and their interest in BiH is property they want to control.

  • “Europe constantly sends messages that local leaders should agree without external interference, while America insists on Schmidt and his impositions, which are illegitimate, illegal, and undermine the entire legal system in BiH. Which free country can support the undermining of the position of the Parliamentary Assembly by elevating one man above the law and the Constitution? And then this arrogant Murphy comes and talks about sovereignty, lecturing us on what democracy should look like for other peoples,” Dodik pointed out.

He added that the kind of democracy Murphy envisions will not be seen in BiH, where some unnamed foreigner forcefully imposes decisions instead of laws being passed in parliament.


Asked to comment on the visit of the Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency to Italy, which caused numerous negative reactions, even in federal media, especially due to his initiative to the Italian parliament to support the 32-year-old decision on the adoption of the resolution on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of BiH, Dodik said that Bećirović is a delusional and self-loving person who pretends to be smart, but there is no proof of the latter.

  • “With this latest initiative, he has shown that he himself is aware that BiH is not a sovereign country and that the need for the natural peaceful separation of Srpska and the Federation is increasingly current and accepted worldwide. The reality we live in is that many friendly countries are reconsidering how and in which direction BiH should go because the Bosniaks have voluntarily stepped out of the Dayton framework. Maybe they don’t say it publicly to him, but the questions they ask us are exactly like that,” said the President of Srpska.

He advised Bećirović to ask Željko Komšić what Borut Pahor said and asked when he was the President of Slovenia in the Presidency of BiH.

  • “Srpska and the Federation cannot move forward together as long as one of the two Bosniak members of the Presidency, outside the legally prescribed procedures and the BiH Constitution, expresses personal views and causes harm to everyone. We cannot move forward as long as the Bosniaks elect suitable and desirable members of the Presidency for other constituent peoples who do not have the support of their people, as is the case with Komšić,” Dodik added.

He pointed out that the only common point and goal where the interests of Republika Srpska and the Federation converge is the European path. Still, the Bosniaks have also managed to show a lack of consistency and determination to complete what the EU expects from BiH, which is the departure of foreign judges, the OHR, and independent decision-making by democratically elected representatives of institutions.

  • “Regarding Bećirović and his initiative, I must agree only in the claim that BiH is not sovereign, but not in the way he falsely claims, but precisely because of the Bosniak servile policy towards the West. International interventionism is the cause of all problems in BiH and the generator of all crises,” Dodik concluded.

He emphasized that the Bosniaks are encouraged by the support of part of the West and do what they do, voluntarily stepping away from what is the official position of the institutions and destroying what the Dayton BiH should represent.

  • “The result of all this is peaceful separation, as the only possible thing left for us so that we can all go our own way of progress because we cannot go together, and Bećirović shows this every day. You cannot build a unitary project through deceit and lies. Bećirović must understand that BiH has a Constitution and that he is responsible for performing his duty in accordance with the Constitution, not with what the Reis tells him,” Dodik concluded.

When asked if he believes the BiH budget will be adopted given the situation in the Presidency and the House of Peoples, Dodik said that it depends entirely on the Bosniaks how and in what way BiH will function.

  • “They blocked the House of Peoples and prevented any decisions from being made by refusing to resolve the issue of the Constitutional Court of BiH. Because of all this, BiH is in a state of complete legal chaos. Decisions are made by a German and the Bosniaks, and we are served interpretations that have nothing to do with the law, that are arbitrary and outside the Constitution. None of these decisions have any significance because they were not made in accordance with the Constitution, law, and prescribed procedures,” Dodik pointed out.

He concluded that the changed rules written by the Americans lead to a situation where BiH cannot move forward.

  • “The entire responsibility lies with the Bosniaks, who will show whether they want BiH to function or continue to do what the Americans ask of them, which can only bring us back to the beginning, where all common paths of Srpska and the Federation diverge. We from Srpska will not and do not work according to foreign orders, but as the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution, which is part of it, prescribe. Anything different is not possible, just as no BiH other than Dayton’s is possible,” Dodik stated.


When asked how he comments on Mladen Ivanić’s statement that involving the Investment and Development Bank (IRB) of Republika Srpska in serious matters is not a smart move and that there were certainly safer and less risky options, and that Milorad Dodik is unnecessarily putting Srpska at risk, Dodik responded in an interview with Srna that Ivanić’s concept of the duty of president and the responsibility that political representatives have towards the people who elected them is limited only to his interests.

  • “For him, it is a position where one should sit back and approve everything to foreigners, even when various resolutions labeling the Serb people as genocidal are being passed. Republika Srpska, as he envisions it, would be strictly obedient and submissive, left to the mercy and whims of the Bosniaks and part of the West,” Dodik emphasized.

He highlighted that everything Ivanić says is related to his personal comfort and interests, but not to what the Serbian people want.

  • “He is the one who will explain to us what is smart and what is not, while we still suffer from his supposed wisdom because he gave the Bosniaks everything they asked for—the Army of Republika Srpska, the Court and Prosecutor’s Office, indirect taxes, intelligence service, which he boasted about in Zenica at the SDA Political Academy,” emphasized the President of Srpska.

For Ivanić, Dodik said, the defense of Serb national interests is an unknown concept, and pleasing foreigners has always been closer and dearer to him.

  • “Explaining something like this to such an arrogant person who thinks he is above everyone, even above his people, and expecting him to understand is futile and absurd. He is exactly where he is, appreciated by those who work against his people, and that explains everything,” Dodik pointed out.

Regarding the statement by the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski, that every American administration tries to reset relations with Russia, but it usually ends the same way because, as he says, Russia does something outrageous, Dodik said that the Polish minister has much more important things to deal with than some alleged war in the Balkans, which he obviously desires, openly advocating foreign interventionism.

“His talk about a potential war in the Balkans is insane, as is his advocacy of foreign interventionism, be it from the USA or some European country,” Dodik said.

Also, his talk about Russia always doing something outrageous that affects its relations with America, according to Dodik, has no basis, and he would like to hear from Sikorski what he thinks Russia is doing that is so outrageous.

  • “What should it do, sit idly by and wait for NATO to come to its border, or calmly watch as half the world arms Ukraine? This is yet another classic example of the double standards advocated by both the USA and certain European politicians. Of course, Russia and its President Vladimir Putin bother them because he defends the Russian people and his country. I don’t see what is so ‘outrageous,’ as Sikorski says,” Dodik said.

The President of Srpska believes that Poland should remain neutral in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and not stoke tensions with its constant interference.

  • “Anyone who wants peace, progress, and cooperation does not mention war, nor do they interfere in the internal affairs of other countries,” Dodik concluded in the interview with Srna.

Source: RTRS
