New threats from the United States towards Republika Srpska have emerged. This time, Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor to the US President, has called for sanctions against officials of Republika Srpska, primarily targeting President Milorad Dodik.

Furthermore, Sullivan openly stated that the goal is to integrate Bosnia and Herzegovina into NATO. Like other American officials, he does not consider the citizens of Republika Srpska, whose basic human rights are being jeopardized, especially those employed in companies under sanctions.

Just when one might think that the efforts to undermine Republika Srpska and spread disinformation cannot go further, political Sarajevo and certain media outlets prove otherwise.

One Sarajevo-based portal published that Dejan Ilić has withdrawn and disappeared from the ownership of the sanctioned company Prointer. The company Infiniti Group explains why this is more than just a lie.

  • “It is not true that Dejan Ilić, as stated in the article, is withdrawing from the ownership of Prointer Banja Luka. Dejan Ilić, the former co-owner of the company, passed away on February 23 this year after battling a serious illness, and his ownership share was transferred to his wife and daughter following the probate process,” Infiniti stated.

Is a comment necessary? The American administration operates on the principle that the end justifies the means. Hence, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, whether poorly informed about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina or well-briefed, announces that they will continue with sanctions.

  • “We will continue to respond to secessionist actions and attacks on the Dayton Peace Agreement, including using additional sanctions. I also call on Christian Schmidt to use the Bonn powers to ‘defend Dayton.’ The goal is to achieve a democratic and prosperous Bosnia and Herzegovina integrated into the Euro-Atlantic community,” Sullivan said.
  • “Who is Christian Schmidt to use the Bonn powers? Does Republika Srpska have any say when it comes to Euro-Atlantic integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina?” Sullivan does not answer these questions, yet he references Dayton, which he himself disrespects with his statements. The American agenda is to try and discipline Republika Srpska, says Deputy Prime Minister Alen Šeranić.
  • “Banal and absurd sanctions represent threats and discipline contrary to the mini Constitution and Dayton. If we are not going to function in this country according to the Constitution, then according to what will we function?” Šeranić said.

Šeranić also mentioned that there is a concern about health insurance for 800 workers employed in companies under American sanctions. This not only jeopardizes the employees but also their families who are insured through them, affecting several thousand people.

  • “In this way, we will lose a certain amount of funds; these are millions. The liquidity will be questioned, and we will not be able to pay obligations towards the healthcare system,” said Dejan Kusturić, Director of the Health Insurance Fund of Republika Srpska.

Thus, is there still anyone who does not understand the goal of these sanctions? To politically and economically disable Republika Srpska, and deprive a large number of its citizens of basic human rights.

Source: RTRS
