Vojislav Savić, a political analyst, stated for ATV that it is a good tactic and strategy to bring the topic of peaceful separation to the forefront to see how Sarajevo will react when discussing peaceful separation using all legitimate and permissible political instruments that are the result of democratic development.

“This is not a bogeyman and has its foundation in the Dayton structure, in the historical development and creation of BiH. This topic of separation did not fall from the sky, nor can it be considered illusory because it has a very strong basis in theory, political practice, and political reality. In Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH, we have, above all, two separate publics, which is what constitutes the social life of a people,” Savić said while guesting on ATV’s Central News.

Savić emphasizes that Republika Srpska is more politically and culturally connected with the territory of Serbia than it is with the territory of the Federation of BiH. He believes that it is not a bad idea to have the topic of peaceful separation on the table and to discuss it.

“I think that the broader academic community should also get involved and simply put it on the agenda,” Savić said.

He added that political Sarajevo behaves in communication like a spoiled child that does not want to hear the other side, making it difficult to have a constructive conversation in such an environment.

“It is a complete set of reactions and attitudes that are totalitarian, with no room for debate, no room for concessions, which is discouraging and complicates the situation significantly. However, it is necessary to start setting boundaries in time, not from a position of power but from a position of setting limits where it should be stated that this is the condition, and then we can move on to discuss other matters,” Savić emphasized.

Source: RTRS
