Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska, stated that all necessary measures will be taken to protect Jews and Israelis in Srpska.

He made this statement following the attack outside the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade, where a 25-year-old man injured a member of the Serb Gendarmerie, Miloš Jevremović.

“We express our concern for the Jews and Israelis in BiH. For years, we have been warning about the radicalization of Islamic movements supported by ISIS in BiH, and I emphasize once again that we will take all measures to protect Jews and Israelis in Republika Srpska by all means,” Dodik stated on the social network X.

He added that close communication will be maintained with Israeli friends to ensure maximum security.

“I have asked our services in Republika Srpska to raise the security level,” Dodik noted.

The attacker, identified as Miloš Žujević, originally from Mladenovac, was killed during the attack. Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dačić stated that Žujević’s religious name was Salahudin and that he had been living in Novi Pazar.

Source: Atv
