President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik stated that no ambassador can come to Republika Srpska and dictate what must be done. He emphasized that the team leading Republika Srpska is fully dedicated to protecting its resources.

“Republika Srpska is the most sovereign of all. No ambassador can come here and tell us what must be done. This may not always be useful, but in the end, it protects our rights, our property, our honor. We are not the ones who kneel before any ambassadors,” Dodik declared.

He stressed that the leadership team of Republika Srpska is entirely committed to Srpska, maintaining it under impossible circumstances, ensuring financial stability, and protecting its resources.

“When we defend Republika Srpska, we defend our resources, our right to those resources. Everything else is invented narratives by BN Television or a few opposition members,” Dodik said in an interview with Prnjavorska TV K3.

Responding to a journalist’s question about a recent survey showing a 3% increase in his rating among Republika Srpska voters after sanctions, Dodik stated that he remains committed to his work, as he has been for years.

He emphasized that he represents the choice and will of the people who voted for him, those who want Republika Srpska and do not want BiH, and that this message has won him elections for the past 20 years.

“This is not an illegal or illegitimate message. It is very clear and represents the expressed political will of the people in Republika Srpska – what they want. This is the reason why I have won the last 10 elections, not what the opposition tries to claim recently,” Dodik said.

He added that in his early political years, he believed in the fairness of the West, even when many said they were deceitful, but he quickly realized the truth.

“They don’t respect what we are. For them, we are a space to be exploited. We are a space to be pacified. They can’t tolerate anyone opposing them. If you oppose them with a stance, then come the sanctions,” Dodik stated.

According to him, the Americans persistently maintain their lies and have built their political platforms and solutions on false assumptions regarding the issues here.

“They maintain their lies, regardless of the facts. The narrative remains ‘the Serbs are guilty.’ Anyone who doesn’t admit guilt is then a problem. That’s my problem. And my family’s problem,” Dodik emphasized.

He said that while America will remain dominantly strong, it is evident from the processes that it is no longer a global power, and other global powers are emerging to rival it.

“They can no longer manage processes; they are narrowing. The essence of what is happening is that Europe lacks resources, which is evident when it comes to gas. They forced Europe to cancel Russian gas at $400 and made the same Europe buy American gas at $2,500 for the same unit. Their main interest is profit. These are the big games,” Dodik pointed out.

He mentioned that there are significant titanium deposits near Prnjavor, not yet commercially confirmed but known to exist, and that there is lithium in Srpska along the Drina, which is a critical metal for the future, and one site has 100 million tons of magnesium ore.

“That’s why this story ‘property is at the BiH level’ exists. They brought Schmidt to level things out, to pass a law and declare that property is at the BiH level,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
