The Minister of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska, Siniša Karan, stated that the constitutional order has been undermined for 30 years to reshape BiH according to the will of only one people.

Karan, who is also a professor of constitutional law, emphasized that the Dayton Agreement is the only possible framework within which BiH can function, and that Republika Srpska is doing everything to preserve Dayton BiH.

“The destroyers of the Dayton Agreement are primarily those countries that believe their goal in BiH, a foreign policy goal, is a unitary BiH, aiming to create a Bosniak unitary state for the Bosniak people. They are destroying the Dayton Peace Agreement. They have been waging a hybrid war against Republika Srpska for 30 years. What they have been doing for 30 years, and continue to do today, is a classic hybrid, subversive war against Republika Srpska and its institutions,” Karan stated on Telering.

He pointed out that the Constitution of Republika Srpska guarantees its constitutional position and statehood, and serves as a barrier to the factual violation of the BiH Constitution and the destruction of the Dayton Peace Agreement.

“Anyone who destroys the Dayton Agreement endangers peace. Republika Srpska is committed to the Dayton Agreement. Anyone who supports all the principles and tenets of that agreement is for peace,” Karan said.

Karan stressed that BiH can only survive based on an internal agreement.

“BiH has a perspective, but it is impossible with foreign influence,” Karan emphasized.

He believes that it would be necessary to create a confederation of states, giving it 10 years to see if there are elements of cohabitation, and to conduct referendums among the three peoples to decide whether they can live together, not the other way around.

Speaking about the security situation in Republika Srpska, Karan said that it has been stable and favorable for a long period, but that there should be no relaxation and that it is necessary to continuously invest and strengthen capacities.

He stated that around 180 million KM has been invested in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Srpska over the past few years.

“Security threats are sometimes not visible to citizens, but they must be visible to us. Continuous investment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is necessary. Above all, capacities must be strengthened due to various forms of crime that appear, primarily organized crime. The Ministry of Internal Affairs must plan its budget. Organized crime has no budget problems. They are very organized, secretive, operate using various new methods, and are not easy to detect and dismantle. This year alone, we have uncovered six different organized criminal groups. This work takes months, even years,” Karan emphasized.

Karan stated that there is no strong Republic without a strong Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Regarding the Police of Republika Srpska, Karan said that there has been a rapid change in personnel and that there are now many young people, as many police officers who fought for the freedom of Srpska during the war have retired, for which they should be thanked.

He reminded that a competition has been announced for the 27th class of the Police Academy and that the Secondary School of Internal Affairs has been reinstated, with around 400 police officers retiring annually.

Karan stated that, according to the Police Law, from next year, police officers will not be able to retire before the age of 55, as there is currently a shortage of around 700 police officers, and without such a legal solution, more than 1,000 police officers could retire.

Source: Glas Srpske
