The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that the policy of Republika Srpska is to discuss European integrations and that Srpska rejects any form of Atlantic integrations.

Dodik mentioned that the US Embassy in BiH unjustifiably assumes the right to interpret the will of the citizens, adding that this embassy and Ambassador Michael Murphy are diplomatic representatives in the Federation of BiH, not in Republika Srpska.

He emphasized that they cannot represent the citizens of BiH and are accustomed to acting arrogantly, but Republika Srpska will not allow this.

“What they are doing could, in some ways, represent a form of occupation, if the citizens accept it. Republika Srpska does not accept this, which is why we are not occupied but free-thinking people,” he said.

Dodik asserted that such behavior is contrary to the rule of law and democracy.

Source: RTRS
