The US Embassy confirms what has been consistently stated by Republika Srpska, which is that American interests in BiH are primarily detrimental to the Serb people, Republika Srpska, and the essence of Dayton BiH, stated SNSD delegate in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Milorad Kojić, today.

“They claim in their statement that they are protectors of the Dayton Peace Agreement and that all violators, including companies, will be sanctioned. This is not sanctioning the violators of the Dayton Agreement but punishing the economic stability of Republika Srpska with the aim of its destruction. This is clearly and unequivocally evident from their statement, which they tried not to diplomatically wrap,” Kojić said.

He emphasized that within Dayton BiH, Republika Srpska has full sovereignty guaranteed within the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, as well as a guaranteed system of economic operations for legal and business entities.

“They are trying to destroy this, but the response from Republika Srpska is always institutional. What has become, conditionally speaking, alarming is that the US Embassy and the American ambassador in BiH, Michael Murphy, now unequivocally propagate their interests within BiH, but these interests are exclusively to the detriment of the Serbian people,” Kojić told Srna.

Kojić noted that intruding on the sovereignty of any other country, as America is doing in this case, means that such an ambassador should receive a diplomatic note and be expelled from BiH, but unfortunately, due to Bosniak politics, this cannot be realized in BiH.

The US Embassy in BiH published a list of what they called shared interests between America and the citizens of BiH, among which the Euro-Atlantic future of BiH is listed as one of the interests.

Source: RTRS
