
Dodik: When Murphy presses the judiciary, justice goes out the window

Dodik: When Murphy presses the judiciary, justice goes out the window

The American administration controls all processes and keeps Bosnia and Herzegovina captive. BiH does not have professional officials but rather American subordinates, stated the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, in an interview for “Glas Srpske.”

We present the interview in full:

Commenting on the decision of the Appellate Panel of the BiH Court, which rejected SNSD’s appeal against the CEC’s decision that recognized the PDP ballot for the BiH House of Peoples, Dodik said that the unconstitutional court is an American organization used to settle scores with their opponents.

“How is it possible that for two years one person works and performs their duties as a delegate, and now someone says that is not right? They make two different decisions on the same issue, which shows that when the American ambassador in BiH, Michael Murphy, presses the judiciary, law and justice go out the window, along with common sense. They tried everything they could, the CEC made decisions on recounting votes at their behest, and still, they failed to undermine the right of the Serbian people to strengthen Republika Srpska and preserve the Serbian identity,” Dodik said.

Glas: What is the ultimate goal of their daily pressures on Republika Srpska?

Dodik: Under impossible circumstances, pressures, blackmail, as well as subterfuge and actions through unconstitutional institutions in BiH, we have shown that we can strengthen Republika Srpska. This latest attempt is doomed to fail from the start because it only awakens greater anger among the people. It is clear to everyone that the American ambassador in BiH, Murphy, is playing with the judiciary and trying to make life difficult for Serbs, all to seize property. Their misfortune is greater because people see who the traitors are, and they have no way to change the consciousness of the Serbian people. The decision of the unconstitutional court is political, just like everything they do there. The process was politically initiated because of Schmidt. With everything they do, they have completely undermined the credibility of the judiciary, and we will prove that.

Glas: The Vice President of the BiH House of Representatives and Deputy President of NiP, Denis Zvizdić, said that numerous political combinations are possible if SNSD loses the fourth delegate in the House of Peoples. How do you comment on that?

Dodik: Zvizdić, in his free time, which he evidently has in abundance, as he often talks only about Republika Srpska, could say something about Konaković and his panicked promises to the Americans and connections. It’s all the same breed. By attacking Srpska, they try to confuse people so that the ongoing crisis in the Federation, which has lasted for years, is not discussed. Unlike Banja Luka, you cannot read anything positive about Sarajevo today, except for some lie invented by the American ambassador in BiH, Murphy; everything is bleak. Zvizdić is a mere poser who talks a lot but says nothing important. Yet, I notice that he would set some conditions and make pacts with PDP like Helez. It is interesting that someone with a capacity like Zvizdić, equating to zero, makes such fantasies. That “troika” is not even stable itself; that’s why we chose them because, unlike SDA, they could not cause significant harm as they lack both knowledge and capabilities. Except for covert actions and putting the Srebrenica resolution on the agenda, where they also failed, they haven’t achieved anything except causing a crisis with no apparent end. We believed they wanted to work and wouldn’t block things, but they showed again that their goal is to block and destroy Srpska, not advance BiH. They are blackmailed and deeply dependent on what the American ambassador in BiH, Murphy, will approve, and it’s laughable to hear Zvizdić’s babbling that they can change something. The first thing they should change is that subservient policy that doesn’t allow BiH to progress on the European path. Schmidt, Murphy, and the impositions of foreigners are incompatible with the EU, and even Zvizdić should know that.

Glas: How do you comment on the accusations of Russian influence made against you by BiH Foreign Minister Elmedin Konaković at the meeting in Luxembourg?

Dodik: I see that Konaković is terribly afraid of what I will reveal, so out of sheer fear, he continues to spew nonsense. However, it’s not me he fears. Murphy has put fear in his bones, breathing down his neck and threatening with proceedings if he doesn’t comply. It seems Minister Konaković has changed overnight, as there are fewer texts about serious allegations of his connections with a drug cartel. These changes and good behavior by American standards include breaking every agreement with Republika Srpska and attacking me. Konaković, who roams the world like a fool, all from the position of Foreign Minister, must know that most countries in Europe know that Republika Srpska is part of the solution, not the problem, as the Bosniaks portray. Geopolitical circumstances are changing, and those who publicly agree with the Bosniaks today and oppose everything related to Russia, while not minding their cheaper gas, could change their opinion tomorrow. And what will the Bosniaks do then? If Bosniak political representatives were rational and responsible to their people, they would realize that their only option is to negotiate and cooperate with Serbs and Croats, as none of their so-called friends from the international community can provide what they seek. The only solution is an agreement among the constituent peoples. We are always open to dialogue, but not with those who are blackmailed like Konaković, who sabotage every solution and leave the table when Murphy orders.

Glas: PDP President Branislav Borenović accused the government partners at the BiH level of preserving the OHR with their actions and that you are actually the biggest supporter of foreign influence in BiH?

Dodik: The only wisdom Borenović could show is to remain silent when talking about the results achieved by PDP. The betrayal of Serbian interests was best publicly explained by PDP’s honorary representative Ivanić. They gave everything they could to the Bosniaks, and that was their reality and distancing from foreigners. The leadership of Srpska will never allow the transfer of competencies in such a manner, and that is the only wise and responsible policy, not appeasing foreigners and Bosniaks, which is in PDP’s programmatic policy. The fact that a criminal like Murphy and the fake Schmidt, who would like to take property from Srpska, are okay with him speaks volumes about what would happen if such people had any say in Srpska. But they don’t, and thanks to the people, they never will. All these deceptions and everything they try to gain through deceit and American interference will not help them. In Srpska, the people decide; it has been and will remain so.

Glas: How do you view the statements of BiH Ambassador to the UN, Zlatko Lagumdžija, who said that after the adoption of the Srebrenica resolution, the “truth” will enter textbooks worldwide?

Dodik: Lagumdžija clearly and unequivocally confirmed to all Serbs that the main goal of their secret project was to introduce hatred towards Serbs and everything Serbian into schoolbooks and classrooms. The devastating truth is that the only thing that unites the fragmented Bosniaks is their hatred towards Serbs. That is their only goal and joint project, and Lagumdžija explains it well. If they were so well-coordinated in other issues that could provide better living conditions for ordinary people who do not live off their scheming, BiH would progress on the European path and in every sense at the speed of light. The Srebrenica resolution has completely shown that they do not want to move forward. Their goal is the destruction of Srpska, not the advancement of BiH. Lagumdžija is not the ambassador of BiH but of the Muslims; he is Bećirović’s envoy who has abused his position. Relevant authorities should determine their responsibility for undermining the constitutional order and acting outside the law and the Constitution. One day, when the relevant authorities start working.


Glas: The Russian ambassador to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, included the 31st report of the Government of Srpska as an annex to the Russian report to the UN dated April 30. How much does this contribute to making the voice of Republika Srpska heard in the world?

Dodik: Thanks to the objective stance of our friendly Russia, which defends international law and everything it represents, the world can read about the real situation in BiH. Thanks to our friends who have never taken a biased position and have always insisted on the consistent application of the Dayton Agreement.

Source: RTRS
