The Deputy Chairperson of the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, stated that a “Bosnian” Bosnia and Herzegovina does not exist, as it is an illusion and a great Bosniak fantasy derived from the “Islamic Declaration,” rather than from the Dayton Constitution and reality.

“Bosnia and Herzegovina is Daytonian, composed of two entities and three constituent peoples. A Daytonian Bosnia and Herzegovina is constitutional and is the only possible form. There is no ‘our Bosnian’ and there never will be,” Košarac said, commenting on Instagram about the initiative of the Association of Independent Intellectuals “Circle 99.”

Košarac stated that the concept of “Bosnia – ours – Bosnian” is unitary, unconstitutional, and anti-Dayton, no matter how much the Sarajevo intellectual elite tries to wrap it in the guise of a “patriotic and civic” initiative.

“To be completely clear, I do not deny anyone the right to the freedom of private or public assembly and the expression of political views, in accordance with positive legal regulations. The problem arises when facts are manipulated and the public is demagogically persuaded otherwise,” Košarac said.

He pointed out that this is the case with the announced initiative of “Circle 99” and several Sarajevo NGOs to hold a convention titled “Bosnia is ours – Bosnian.”

“It is high time that the Bosniak political and intellectual circles become aware of the constitutional and Dayton reality. The reality in which there is no ‘Bosnian,’ but exclusively Serbian, Croatian, and Bosniak. The reality called Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH. The reality in which Bosnia and Herzegovina does not exist without Republika Srpska,” said Košarac, who is also the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations.

In response to the All-Serb Assembly, the Association of Independent Intellectuals “Circle 99” initiated a convention in Sarajevo on July 4 titled “Bosnia is ours – Bosnian,” which, according to the organizers, should be a response to the “undermining and threats to the integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

Source: RTRS
