“I was surprised by the information that the Sarajevo intellectual circle decided to break their vow of silence and gather strength to organize a convention ‘which will be marked by determination, clear visions, and political commitments both to the domestic and international public, as well as to internal and external political actors,'” emphasized the President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik on X.

He stated that he welcomes the announced gathering of the Sarajevo intellectual elite because it will be, as Dodik says, “another great testimony to the absurdity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

  • “They will supposedly declare that there has been enough foreign interventionism, meddling by foreign ambassadors, impositions, suspension of institutions by illegitimate individuals, unconstitutional actions, and undermining of the decision-making system. They will advocate for respect for the Constitution and the Dayton structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and equal rights for Serbs, Bosniaks, and Croats. Commendable,” stressed Dodik while commenting on the announced convention in Sarajevo under the title ‘Bosnia is Ours – Bosnian.’

Or, he added, none of that will happen.

  • “Surely, none of that will happen. I am a sociable person; I love when people gather, debate, and exchange thoughts. I welcome the announced gathering of the Sarajevo intellectual elite because it will be another great testimony to the absurdity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. ‘Bosnia is Ours – Bosnian,’ announce the intellectuals,” Dodik wrote.

He added that the Sarajevo intellectuals seem to think that Bosnia and Herzegovina is neither Serbian, Croatian, nor Bosniak, but rather belongs to the others.

  • “Nothing for the Serbs, nothing for the Croats, and nothing for the Bosniaks either. Only Bosnians. If we are to believe the Constitution, Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, and others, which includes Bosnians. Sarajevo intellectuals seem to think that Bosnia and Herzegovina is neither Serbian, Croatian, nor Bosniak, but rather belongs to the others. Gentlemen, a pot can be Bosnian, maybe coffee in some cafes in central Bosnia, but Bosnia and Herzegovina can only be defined as a joint state of three constituent peoples: Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks, according to the Dayton Peace Agreement,” Dodik stated.

He said it is good that they have taken off their masks.

  • “Just so you know, don’t bother trying to think it over. But it is good that you have taken off the mask. It is good that you have publicly said what you have been thinking for 30 years, that Bosnia and Herzegovina is only Bosniak and that Serbs and Croats are foreign bodies to you. It is good for everyone to see who is dismantling Bosnia and Herzegovina. It took you a long time, but it’s never too late,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
