Republika Srpska implements and respects everything signed in the Dayton Agreement, but equally rejects the application, respect, and implementation of anything imposed beyond that agreement, emphasized the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

“Through countless impositions and arbitrary alterations of what was agreed and signed, foreign occupiers have permanently and irreparably desecrated the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, aiming to reduce the entities to the level of local authorities. Not only have they failed in their intentions, but they have also given Republika Srpska new strength and political wisdom. Republika Srpska is indeed a party, a subject, and a signatory of all annexes of the Dayton Agreement,” Dodik stated on the social network Instagram.

Dodik noted that during the week, he had a meeting with Milica Đurđević Stamenkovski, the Minister for Family and Demography of Serbia.

“I also attended the ‘Gift to Banja Luka’ concert by the University of Banja Luka. On Jahorina, I participated in a meeting with the leadership of Sarajevo-gas and Srbijagas and attended the ceremonial opening of works on the distribution gas pipeline Pale – Jahorina,” Dodik added.

Source: RTRS
