The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that there is no agreement among the peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina because, even when any agreement is reached, foreign actors appear as ultimate judges and dictate what is permissible.

“Then the question arises as to why we are negotiating. When you take the latest statements from Western ambassadors, it seems as though the US Ambassador to BiH, Michael Murphy, is running the country. He has given an analysis of the situation and said that BiH is going in the wrong direction. We have been saying this all along, but he has chosen that direction, not me,” said Dodik.

Dodik emphasized that Serbs are “not allowed” to have any interests, not even to defend the constitutionally acquired position of Republika Srpska.

“That is their position, and then Murphy lies and talks nonsense about democracy, while everything he said is anti-democratic. Now he thinks there is no one here who can respond. When you do respond, they introduce the instrument of sanctions, but we are alive, and we are moving forward,” Dodik emphasized.

Dodik said that in life, as well as in politics, one is strong as long as they are loved by the people who elect them.

Source: RTRS
