The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management of Republika Srpska, Savo Minić, stated that new topics of cooperation with the relevant ministry from Serbia are continuously being opened, alongside the existing cooperation formalized through three documents signed at the All-Serb Assembly.

Minić emphasized that some of the memorandums and agreements represent a continuation of cooperation, primarily in the areas of river flows and water resource management.

He mentioned that cooperation in the area of agricultural payments has been agreed upon, especially regarding the exchange of experiences on regulations and procedures for the adoption of acts, harmonization with European regulations, and the implementation of the IPARD program.

  • “Serbia has improved certain things using the IPARD program, and we will transfer these positive practices to Republika Srpska,” stated Minić.

He added that the modalities that Serbia uses for determining agricultural areas and sown crops will also be applied, which will contribute to easier calculation and, with less administration, greater fairness in helping farmers realize their rights.

Minić particularly highlighted the segment of joint market appearances in third markets, especially in the wood processing sector, as it is one of the most significant resources in Republika Srpska.

  • “We discussed the leveling of prices for wood and forest assortments so that final and semi-final processors have realistic and approximate input prices. Currently, in Srpska, especially regarding oak and beech, the price is much lower than in the surrounding areas. Their wood processors want this to be harmonized, which is a good move and a prerequisite for joint cooperation and entry into third markets,” said Minić.

He added that discussions with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management of Serbia also covered the recognition of certain certificates, such as those issued by the Veterinary Institute “Dr. Vaso Butozan,” which pertain to accompanying documentation for meat and meat products.

Minić mentioned that cooperation will also be improved in the segment of hunting, particularly hunting tourism, and a session of the hunting associations of Serbia and Srpska will be arranged.

  • “With Serbia, our largest foreign trade partner, we want to enable even easier movement of goods, services, and people, as well as improve cooperation in every segment of the two ministries,” Minić emphasized.

He stressed that the All-Serb Assembly is extremely significant for the Serb people living not only in these areas but also more broadly, in terms of greater integration and cooperation.

Source: RTRS
