President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik stated that by seriously and honorably doing his job, defending the interests of his people daily and protecting Republika Srpska from countless attacks, he does not, nor will he pay attention to insignificant, unconstitutional, anti-democratic, and anti-civilizational bodies like the so-called and self-proclaimed Peace Implementation Council (PIC). However, he said he must pay attention to the modern conquerors who, without anyone’s consent and formal approval, meddle in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

“In the past, foreign conquerors at least had some form of confirmation, a firman, a hatisherif, or an imperial approval from Vienna, so we formally knew against whom and what we were fighting for our freedom. Today, the executors of the unitarist BiH project, not understanding the character of the mountainous Balkans nor the unbreakable desire of the Serb people for survival, are dragging this same BiH from a vassal, oppressed, and non-self-governing status into total extinction and the backwaters of history. Truth be told, the institution of the High Representative is a Dayton category, but German citizen Christian Schmidt was not appointed by the UN Security Council, therefore, we would be destroyers of the constitutional order of BiH if we recognized him for what he is not,” Dodik said to Banja Luka Net.

He emphasized that the PIC is a meaningless and baseless group with distorted goals and self-destructive actions.

“The PIC conclusion that ‘the entities Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH are not states and exist solely based on the Constitution of BiH’ is an attempt to deceive any literate person. On the internal political front, both Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH are more state-like than the joint level of BiH,” Dodik emphasized.

He reminded members of that, as he calls it, informal and conformist group that Republika Srpska was established on January 9, 1992, and that the Federation of BiH was formed on March 18, 1994, based on the Washington Agreement. Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH are the parties that participated in creating the General Framework Agreement for Peace in BiH and signed all the annexes of the Dayton Agreement, which are an integral part of it.

“I remind the PIC that the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe stated in its opinion number 337/2005 that the annexes of the Dayton Agreement represent its essence and are considered international treaties. From the above, it follows that Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH are indeed parties that negotiated, agreed, and signed the annexes of the Agreement and thus became subjects of international law,” Dodik said.

He reminded that Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH, as contracting parties, united their territories into the newly formed BiH, transferring only part of their sovereignty related to international aspects to BiH while retaining full internal sovereignty.

“However, the PIC does not miss the opportunity to emphasize that ‘the entities have no right to secession,’ and by using the a contrario argument, it is easy to conclude that everything not explicitly prohibited is allowed. This is just their non-binding stance aimed at intimidation. Naturally, entities can separate and continue to live independently as states,” he emphasized.

Dodik questions whether it is worth explaining the norms of the Dayton Agreement and the political (dis)order in BiH to those who must explain their status and actions themselves.

“Are we from Republika Srpska even obliged to explain it to them? Nevertheless, I will explain a few more important facts to them. You will not make a state out of BiH by artificially elevating the Council of Ministers to the rank of an executive authority, to the rank of a government. According to the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of BiH, the Council of Ministers is an auxiliary body of the Presidency of BiH. No matter how much you want to turn the Council of Ministers into something it is not, we will remind you to just read. We will also remind you that the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH is not a national representation, no national assembly or citizen representation,” Dodik said.

He noted that the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH is a legislative body composed based on entity and national lines, tasked with enacting laws in a small number of areas predetermined by the Constitution, while the actual people’s representations are the National Assembly in Republika Srpska and the Parliamentary Assembly in the Federation of BiH.

Dodik stressed that Republika Srpska faithfully implements and respects what was agreed upon and signed, but also refuses to implement, respect, and enforce everything imposed.

“By countless impositions and willful reinterpretations of what was agreed and signed, foreign conquerors have permanently and irreversibly desecrated the General Framework Agreement for Peace in BiH, aiming to reduce the entities to the rank of local authorities. Not only have they failed in their intentions, but they have also given Republika Srpska unprecedented strength, superhuman ingenuity, and political wisdom,” he said.

Dodik emphasized that Republika Srpska is indeed a party, subject, and signatory of all the annexes of the Dayton Agreement.

“Republika Srpska has too often called for the respect of what is written and signed, but it has been even more often ignored or intentionally unheard. Therefore, Republika Srpska will neither hear, listen to, nor read the ‘street cries’ and white-gloved communiqués when making its decisions,” the president of Republika Srpska concluded.

Source: RTRS
