The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that the behavior of the Americans towards his family and political engagement is a significant fabrication and lie, and lies cannot be the basis of politics, which is why America is losing power.

“Due to these lies, America is losing power. It is still the most powerful country in the world, but it is losing power. Unlike the family of the U.S. President, my family has no legal issues. My son has never been fined for any offense, and neither has my daughter, yet their livelihoods are being threatened. I am not complaining, but that is the reality,” said Dodik.

He emphasized that while America is a great power, its representatives’ actions are full of lies and assumptions without valid facts.

“They terrorize the entire world by controlling the global financial system and write about my son and daughter, of whom I am proud, and who are good people. They have given me seven grandchildren, creating undoubtedly the greatest wealth,” Dodik emphasized.

Dodik expressed great pride in his family, son, daughter, and seven grandchildren, rejecting all attacks and accusations coming from U.S. institutions and organizations.

“I can only comment on one thing. They say: ‘The purpose of sanctions is not punishment, but positive behavior change.’ I cannot believe that I am socially delinquent,” Dodik said, commenting on the recent sanctions imposed by the U.S. on seven companies from Republika Srpska.

Murphy prioritizes dealing with Dodik over combating the drug cartel

Dodik pointed out the alarming fact that U.S. Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Michael Murphy prioritizes dealing with him over preventing the operations of the international drug cartel in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dodik noted that Murphy’s attitude towards him is a classic personal animosity.

“There isn’t a single U.S. ambassador in the world who is not respected. He has his agenda, we are also investigating what he is involved in, and we will see what comes to light. We have traced some of it to exchange offices. We know where the black money flows go and who receives allowances from freshly printed dollars. Of course, the Americans are bigger thieves,” said Dodik.

He mentioned that recently prosecutors have been constantly visiting him, claiming they have to do so because the Americans demand it.

“They are conducting a financial examination of my entire family. This is the fourth time in a few years. I am not proud because the wealth they talk about isn’t there, but I am stable. That is true, but the wealth they talk about doesn’t exist,” Dodik said.

He emphasized that he has never been in court for any tax evasion or crime and rejected insinuations that he and his son Igor pressured the BiH budget or tried to favor a company without a competitive process.

The President of Republika Srpska reiterated that he is not anyone’s spy and that the Serbian people belong to no one but themselves.

Bosnia and Herzegovina in a difficult deadlock

Speaking about the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dodik stated that BiH has come to a difficult deadlock because the people from the “troika” are very naive and unreliable.

“They think that by simply appeasing the Americans and the British, they will get them to do the work for them. Many of your people, i.e., Bosniaks with whom I communicate, who are intellectuals, are disgusted by these things,” said Dodik, who is also the leader of the SNSD.

He said that the political story about the so-called Srebrenica resolution has only caused discomfort on all sides.

According to him, Bosniaks allowed BiH Ambassador to the UN Zlatko Lagumdžija, who is “red,” to “turn green” and “gain some Bosniak image.”

“Now he is like a watermelon, green on the outside, red on the inside,” Dodik joked.

He reiterated that he has expressed condolences and sympathy to the families of those who died in Srebrenica countless times, but “it is not heard.”

Dodik repeated accusations against Germany’s unprincipled, unacceptable, and hypocritical actions in this case.

Regarding the idea of separation, Dodik emphasized that any conflict should be avoided now.

“I am not a man of war. I stayed out of the last civil war in BiH. I was in the Army of Republika Srpska until the end of 1993, then I was ordered to transfer to the Assembly of Republika Srpska as a deputy. I entered that war with the rank of lieutenant and exited with the rank of lieutenant,” Dodik recalled.

Source: RTRS
