The illegitimate Christian Schmidt is jeopardizing the functioning of the overall legal and constitutional system of Bosnia and Herzegovina with his actions, said the President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik while participating in the symposium “Bratislava – Capital of Peace,” held under the patronage of the Deputy President of the National Council of Slovakia.

Dodik highlighted to the symposium participants the violations of international law by political Sarajevo and certain ambassadors in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The President of Republika Srpska reiterated his opposition to the imposition of sanctions on Russia, which has subjected the leadership of Republika Srpska to pressures and sanctions.

Europe and the loudest advocates of democratic freedoms and rights have long abandoned the values they claim to support – this is what the President of Republika Srpska conveyed while participating in the symposium “Bratislava – Capital of Peace.”

The most visible example of this is in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where all principles of the rule of law are being violated. The election and appointment of the High Representative are clearly defined by the Dayton Agreement. However, major powers have subordinated all of this to their power and violated what is written in Dayton, said Dodik.

  • Only the U.S. Embassy, supported by the British and German embassies, introduced one foreigner, Schmidt, and declared him the High Representative. Today, he changes laws with his decisions, introduces amendments to laws, and threatens the functioning of the overall legal and constitutional system, as well as everything that represents the previously stated values of the European Union – Dodik stated.

Dodik pointed out that the European Union and Western countries are silent about all this. He informed the symposium participants of the paradox that a lawsuit is being pursued against him due to Schmidt’s decision.

Foreign interventionism is also clearly reflected through the actions of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, emphasized the President of Republika Srpska.

  • Of the nine judges of the Constitutional Court, three are foreigners – a German from Germany, a German from Switzerland, and an Albanian from Albania, who together with two Bosniak Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina make all the decisions and change the constitutional and legal political system, imposing solutions most often agreed upon in the office of the U.S. Embassy here in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Dodik said.

While political Sarajevo and Western sponsors act unconstitutionally, representatives of Republika Srpska who point this out and do not want to allow such actions, mostly to the detriment of the Serbian people, are sanctioned, Dodik said, also pointing out that this is due to their refusal to impose sanctions on the Russian Federation.

  • We did not support the sanctions imposed on Russia. Therefore, we have been subjected to significant sanctions here. At this moment, the entire leadership of Republika Srpska is under U.S. sanctions because we did not allow Bosnia and Herzegovina to impose sanctions on the Russian Federation – emphasized Dodik.

All this has led the world into great disorder from which a new multipolar world will emerge, replacing unipolarity. Dodik stated that it has become clear to everyone that the conflict on the territory of Ukraine represents a global conflict of the collective West against the Russian Federation.

  • The situation related to the conflict in Ukraine is a product of the West’s desire to control resources. They are doing it now in a more modern way than before, through armed attacks, from Napoleon, Hitler, and others. Now it is done by overthrowing regimes, undermining political systems, and destroying states – emphasized Dodik.

The lack of resources is evident in Europe, as is the lack of political leaders capable of leading the European Union independently. Due to unreasonable decisions to engage in conflict with Russia for the sake of American interests, the European Union, Dodik believes, will bear the greatest consequences of the conflict in Ukraine.

Source: RTRS
