Serbia Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Nemanja Starović warned that it is very dangerous to take the Dayton Agreement for granted and equally dangerous for anyone to attempt to drastically violate the letter and fundamental principles of the Dayton Agreement.

Commenting on the negative comments and objections to the All-Serb Assembly and the adopted Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Joint Future of the Serb People, Starović said he would be surprised if there were no such reactions.

“In these reactions, something that absolutely does not exist is being implied, because no one mentioned anything against the Dayton Agreement in a single word of the Declaration,” Starović told Kosovo Online.

He emphasized that the Declaration calls for the respect of the Dayton Agreement, which has provided almost 30 years of peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina without a single major inter-ethnic incident, something few would have believed possible in 1995 when the agreement was adopted.

He pointed out that all attempts to change the Dayton Agreement outside the prescribed procedures are extremely dangerous, indicating that the only way for a change to occur is to secure the consent of both entities and all three constituent peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Starović believes that organizing the All-Serb Assembly was urgently needed, given that Serbs as a whole are under significant pressure.

“This is not new, as these pressures have intensified in the last three years, since Albin Kurti came to head the self-governing institutions in Pristina,” Starović said.

He stressed that a special kind of pressure is directed towards Banja Luka, which has intensified precisely during this period, with the aim of drastically reducing the authority and competencies of Republika Srpska, contrary to the letter of the Dayton Agreement.

Source: RTRS
