
Mitrović: Millennia-long wars

Mitrović: Millennia-long wars

The actions of Western states towards Russia are described by Guy Mettan, a Swiss publicist and long-time editor of the Tribune de Genève, in his book “Russia – West / A Thousand Years of War / Russophobia from Charlemagne to the Ukrainian Crisis,” published in 2015 in Geneva, noted lawyer Slavko Mitrović.

We are sharing his column for in its entirety:

Guy Mettan proves that what is happening now in relations between the West and Russia has deep roots, independent of states and ideologies. This is confirmed by Stalin’s statement from the 1940s: “They will wage war against us even when there is no war, they will attack us regardless of our social system, who sits in the Kremlin, and what policy is pursued. We are a thorn in their side, an obstacle to being absolute rulers of the world.”

Color Revolutions

The Ukrainian crisis that led to the coup in Ukraine in 2014 took place in Kyiv’s central square, Maidan, under the command of the USA and Victoria Nuland, then Assistant Secretary of State (known for her statement “f*ck the EU”). The crisis had long roots, developing from the dissolution of the USSR and the independence of its former republics in 1991. The scenario was American, just like during the 2004 elections, which were won by their favorite Viktor Yushchenko. The events in Ukraine at the time are known as the “Orange Revolution,” one of the color actions of Western intelligence services. It was patented by Gene Sharp’s book “From Dictatorship to Democracy.” We know it from the overthrow of Slobodan Milošević at the end of the last century, spread by the activities of the NGO “Otpor,” funded by Americans. Revolutions like the Rose in Georgia, Cedar in Lebanon, Tulip in Kyrgyzstan, and others are just offshoots of the same scenario.

Serbian activists from Otpor sold it as the application of Sharp’s ideas, which Srdja Popović described in his book “Blueprint for Revolution.” Retired US Colonel Robert Helvey used Sharp’s tactics to train activists in Serbia. In Tim Marshall’s book “Shadowplay,” the British ambassador, who served in one of the neighboring countries and was indirectly involved in events in Serbia, is quoted: “Recruitment was done in three ways: providing aid to certain media, supporting certain opposition politicians, and finding insiders willing to cooperate.” This sounds familiar and applicable to the current situation in Serbia and Republika Srpska.

Ludlam’s Scenario

Robert Ludlam is one of the most popular authors of political thrillers, with the most famous being the Jason Bourne novels, also made into films starring Matt Damon. Although Ludlam died in 2001, his associates published several more books under his name posthumously. Interestingly, Ludlam’s style served as a franchise for other authors to write similarly, also attributing the authorship to him. In 2005, the novel “The Moscow Vector” was published, authored by “Robert Ludlam and Patrick Larkin.” These novels are devoured, similar to how “F. Ashton” (actually Mitar Milošević, editor of Novi Sad’s Dnevnik) and his pulp novels about Donald Siker the Moon – King of Midnight were once read.

In “The Moscow Vector” (originally published in 2005, translated and published in our country in 2007), a mysterious fast and deadly disease transmitted by the “Hydra” virus, engineered based on individual DNA by Russians in collaboration with an evil scientist from former East Germany, funded (coincidentally) by Serbian tycoon Konstantin Malković, one of the richest men in Russia, is described. The virus kills prominent military and political leaders of Western countries and Ukraine. Ukraine is the battleground for the “good West and the evil Russia.” The prediction of the Ukrainian war 17 years before it happened is incredible. The novel describes the “Zhukov plan” as a planned takeover and forced return of former Soviet republics, especially the eastern half of Ukraine, under Russian control. The goal is to “bring tens of millions of ethnic Russians under the authority and protection of the Kremlin.” The reason given is a statement by the head of the Russian intelligence service: “If the Kyiv government cannot protect our people from its own Ukrainian ultra-nationalists, then we must do it for them.”

The novel cites February 24 as the date for the attack on Ukraine: “The first attacks and airstrikes by special forces will begin a few minutes after midnight on February 24.” After 17 years, this actually happened in 2022, precisely on February 24, because the Kyiv regime waged war against its Russian-origin citizens in Donbas. The novel describes how blood was taken from the Russian population for the “Origin of the Slavs” research conducted by the European Center for Population Research. The COVID-19 pandemic could be a precursor to a much more serious virus, as hinted at.

New Biological Weapons

In reality, the existence of over 200 Western biological laboratories, mostly American, has been documented in 25 countries worldwide. The Russian Ministry of Defense claims to have found evidence in Ukraine that Kyiv is researching components for biological weapons with direct involvement from the Pentagon and that Kyiv helps Washington develop so-called “ethnic weapons.” In other words, weapons that can be used specifically against certain ethnic groups, such as Russians. The United States opened biolabs in Ukraine as part of a biological weapons program, said one of the presidential candidates from the Democratic Party, Robert Kennedy Jr.: “We have biolabs in Ukraine because we are developing biological weapons, and this weapon uses new synthetic CRISPR technology and genetic engineering methods unavailable to the previous generation.”

According to him, “America began investing enormous amounts of money in biological weapons again in 2001 but was also concerned because violating the Geneva Convention is a crime, so the jurisdiction for biological security was transferred to the Ministry of Health.” Kennedy also noted that every biological weapon requires a vaccine, as there is a possibility that the weapon will affect the user. Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State, confirmed in a 2022 Senate hearing, when asked by Senator Marco Rubio if Ukraine had chemical or biological weapons, that the country had “biological research facilities.” “We are now very concerned that Russian forces may want to gain control over these facilities. So we are working with the Ukrainians to see how we can prevent any of those research materials from falling into Russian hands if they approach,” Nuland said.

One of the most well-known American journalists, Tucker Carlson, confirmed this: “Under oath at a public Senate hearing, Victoria Nuland confirmed that the Russian disinformation, conspiracy theory, madness that it is immoral to believe in – is actually completely true.” The Russian General Staff’s statement said that more than 140 containers of ectoparasites of bats – fleas and ticks – were removed from a biological laboratory in Kharkiv. The purpose of the UP-4 project, carried out in laboratories in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Odessa, was to study the possibility of spreading particularly dangerous infections through migratory birds. The infections included highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza, whose mortality rate for humans reaches 50 percent. Russian official Dmitry Rogozin said on March 21, 2022, that the biological weapons Americans developed in Ukraine were aimed at attacking the reproductive system of women and the immunity of certain peoples, primarily Russians. This weapon affects the reproductive function of women of a certain nationality and the immune system of a specific nation, causing allergies, intolerance to common foods, which leads to the weakening of the nation’s immunity and its extinction without a conventional war.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former representative of the Vatican in the USA, emphasized: “On the topic of American interests in Ukraine, it is worth mentioning that there are biological laboratories in Ukraine under Pentagon control, where apparently only American experts with diplomatic immunity work, under the direct management of the US Department of Defense.”

The Golden Billion

The project to reduce the world’s population to the ideal number of one billion inhabitants is not just a conspiracy theory. Russian President Vladimir Putin has mentioned it several times, fitting into the knowledge that the West had laboratories for mass destruction in Ukraine. The project of reducing the world’s population to the “ideal golden billion” has changed meaning over decades – from privileged societies and races to “economic genocide” and the extermination of the poor, reducing the planet’s population to a billion. Putin said at the St. Petersburg Forum: “The countries of the ‘golden billion’ still consider everyone else their colonies, a second race.” He warned that the ruling elites in the West live in illusions and do not want to notice changes. “Colleagues in the West are trying to oppose the course of history and think in terms of the last century, but current changes in the economy and international politics are tectonic and revolutionary.”

One could say that the changes are not only epochal but represent a change of epochs. This process is ongoing.

Source: RTRS
