President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik stated that the Geneva and New York documents established the basic foundations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, declaring that the territory belongs to the entities, that the entities are sovereign, with their own governments and parliaments, their own territories, and sovereign governance.

“The issue of property has been framed as an attempt to dismantle Republika Srpska. It is no coincidence that a boundary line was drawn; it was to demarcate the property of the entities. It was also set for the future because someone wisely thought that if Bosnia and Herzegovina could not succeed, at least there would be a line around which we would not need to argue,” emphasized Dodik.

Dodik said that this is why “everyone was hurt” when Republika Srpska asserted that the border exists.

“The border exists both in the cadastre and in the consciousness of the people,” Dodik added.

Source: RTRS
