
Dodik: Million-Dollar amount demanded for names of living “Srebrenica victims”

Dodik: Million-Dollar amount demanded for names of living “Srebrenica victims”

The President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that the question arises as to how many living people from Bosnia and Herzegovina are listed as Srebrenica victims but are not in the CIPS registry because they live around the world.

Commenting on the announcement by the District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Bijeljina that it will form a case regarding the list of CIPS-registered people who are alive but listed as deceased victims in Srebrenica, Dodik emphasized that it is high time someone acted ex officio.

Dodik pointed out that a list of 87 names has been established, which are engraved on memorial plaques at the Memorial Center and recorded in the new CIPS database.

“It is known that the tombstone in Potočari bears the name of a municipal driver from Srebrenica, who is alive. One name is enough, let alone 87 names. This was a deliberate deception. We have data showing that it involves 400 names of living people at the time, some of whom have since passed away,” Dodik said.

Dodik emphasized that there is no reason for an angry atmosphere in Sarajevo, as it is about facts.

“If it is not so, let them prove it. Muslim manipulators who provided us with this information demanded serious money to tell us the fate of each victim. We paid for some of it, some we cannot pay. Once, they came and demanded a million-dollar amount to provide us with a list of 437 living people on the plaques,” Dodik stressed.

Source: RTRS
