The US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina avoids referring to the Dayton Agreement because if they read it, they would see that property belongs to the entities. Instead of Dayton, they refer to Constitutional Court decisions, where foreign judges have a say, and to the recent statement by Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien. Is this yet another confirmation and attempt to rewrite history and dismantle the Dayton Peace Agreement?

The US Embassy stated to N1 that “there is no need to revisit the well-documented legal history and court rulings regarding property in BiH.”

They referred to a speech by Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien from February this year: “There is a way to talk about property by discussing it in the relevant institutions. But the starting point remains clear: property belongs to the state.”

Let’s recall, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, today demanded an answer to a single question: Where does it say that property belongs to the central authorities of BiH and not to the entities?

Vučić said that the criticism from partners at the US Embassy in Sarajevo regarding the All-Serbian Congress held on Saturday was “very interesting” and, as he assessed, very successful and well-organized to the delight of our people.

“However, I said I would ask some questions. And you have all heard many times, in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and throughout the region, a phrase that goes ‘the spirit of the Dayton Agreement.’ If we, as a country that signed the Dayton Agreement, are not a guarantor of its implementation, because they say it doesn’t state that anywhere, but we are just a signatory, and if the spirit of that signature means exactly that, I wouldn’t deal with either the spirit or spirits. And I will send you the most concrete question for those who said we violated the Dayton Agreement, for our partners from the US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Vučić stated in a video message on his Instagram profile.

Source: RTRS
