The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the number of Bosniaks killed in Srebrenica is fabricated and undocumented. The report by the independent International Commission for Investigating the Suffering of All Peoples in the Srebrenica Region from 1992 to 1995 represents a new, unbiased perspective on the tragic events during the conflict in BiH.

The Ministry emphasized that the vast majority of Bosniaks involved in the withdrawal from Srebrenica to territory under Muslim control in July 1995 were members of the Army of BiH and, therefore, soldiers rather than civilians as presented.

It was noted that the Commission, chaired by Israeli scholar Gideon Greif, enjoyed complete independence in its work, and the conclusions were not dictated but agreed upon and supported by all Commission members.

The Ministry pointed out that the Greif Commission relied on extensive evidence, including physical evidence, eyewitness testimonies, and collected archives, including those from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), and conducted its own research.

The Russian Ministry noted that official Bosniak-Muslim structures and public organizations with access to information and analyses of the events in Srebrenica refused to cooperate with the Commission and provided no information.

“The main result of the work of the Greif Commission is the irrefutable data they have obtained, which changes the perception of the conflict and especially what happened in Srebrenica, as imposed by the West (including the ICTY) and their media,” the statement said.

“Based on the ICTY verdict, Bosniak officials, with the help of Western countries, have persistently inserted the myth of the collective responsibility of the Serb people for ‘genocide’ against Bosniaks in BiH into the global consciousness,” the Ministry stated, highlighting that Bosniaks were recognized solely as ‘victims’ and Serbs solely as ‘perpetrators.’

The statement emphasized that the information promoted by Bosniaks and Westerners about allegedly 8,273 identified ‘genocide’ victims in Srebrenica is largely fabricated and not supported by documented evidence, but rather deliberately invented.

The Ministry noted that many died from landmine explosions, internal conflicts within the Army of BiH, and suicides.

“All this has been proven by examining the locations where the deaths occurred and the burial sites,” the statement said.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted that it was reliably established that several dozen individuals officially listed as killed in Srebrenica from July 11 to July 19, 1995, were actually alive during that period or are still alive.

“At the same time, Bosniak officials classify every instance of violent death of a Muslim from BiH during the conflict as a case of ‘genocide,’ with the support of Western countries in this regard,” the statement emphasized.

The Ministry noted that the military operation by the forces of Republika Srpska against the military formations of the Republic of BiH located in Srebrenica was justified from a warfare standpoint, to stop the aggression on Serbian settlements in the area.

However, the Ministry emphasized that Bosniaks conducted their attacks, accompanied by the extermination of civilians on an ethnic basis, from the enclave officially declared a ‘UN safe zone,’ which was under the protection of the Dutch UN contingent that, it turned out, concealed Bosniak military actions against Serbs, preventing retaliatory measures.

It was pointed out that during its lengthy investigation of the events in Srebrenica, the ICTY did not want to consider all the circumstances and limited itself to evidence favoring the Bosniak interpretation of the events in Srebrenica, reports RT Balkans.

“The established scale of the deaths of military personnel and civilians of Bosniak nationality during the conflict from 1992 to 1995 and the local nature of the described events cannot support the use of the term ‘genocide’ in the sense of international legal norms. The Gideon Greif Commission does not deny that war crimes were committed in Srebrenica but asserts that no people in BiH are exclusively victims or exclusively perpetrators,” the statement from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concluded.

Source: RTRS
