By adopting the Declaration at the All-Serb Assembly, Republika Srpska and Serbia have laid the foundation for the most important national goals of the Serbian people in the 21st century, stated SNSD Presidency member Staša Košarac.

He emphasized that this is a fundamental document that provides answers to numerous challenges and clearly outlines future directions, focusing on the protection of national interests, economic cooperation, and the preservation of tradition and culture.

Košarac noted that the document is the result of responsible and patriotic policies of Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik and Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vučić, thanks to whom the relations between Srpska and Serbia have reached the highest level.

“The Declaration is motivated by the need for further strategic connection between Srpska and Serbia, and the strengthening of brotherly ties among the Serbian people wherever they live. It expresses the unity and solidarity of the Serbian people and is not directed against anyone,” Košarac stated on Instagram.

According to him, the Serbs are a united people, and through the Declaration, they have clearly committed to affirming unified policies and positions of the Serbian people on both sides of the Drina River.

“The Declaration is a document of historical importance because it leaves a strong Srpska and Serbia to our descendants and future generations, with an unstoppable process of unification. Our pledge is to preserve the Serb national identity and unity,” Košarac noted.

Reminding of the words of Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik that the Serb state and national interest have no alternative, Košarac emphasized that this is the essence of the Serb future.

Source: RTRS
