Renowned political analyst and former U.S. diplomat James Jatras stated that he does not expect significant changes in U.S. policy toward Republika Srpska and the Balkans in general if Donald Trump wins the presidential elections.

In an interview with Srna, Jatras mentioned that the further decline and eventual collapse of the credibility of the unipolar “Global American Empire” and the financial system based on the dollar are the only things that will make a significant difference in U.S. policy toward the Balkans, including Republika Srpska.

“In any case, even if Trump wins, despite having a Republican Congress to support him, do not expect any major changes in U.S. policy, including toward the Balkans and Republika Srpska. A new Trump term, even more than the first, will be constrained by the permanent bureaucracy, especially from the intelligence agencies, to ensure that he cannot make any substantial changes—even if he is inclined to do so, which he might not be,” Jatras emphasized.

According to him, this is happening at a time when the “Global American Empire” is facing setbacks in Ukraine, the Taiwan Strait, and the Middle East, and during the rise of BRICS.

“The question remains whether this can happen with a ‘soft landing,’ without blowing up the world, regardless of who will be in the White House next year,” Jatras noted.

Jatras pointed out that the signs of “mental incompetence” of U.S. President Joseph Biden are increasingly difficult, almost impossible, to hide, and there are growing speculations that the current American president could be replaced as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate.

“The big problem is who could be a worthy replacement. Certainly not Kamala Harris, who lacks credibility even among Democrats,” Jatras opined.

He reminded that Trump will be sentenced on June 11 based on 34 counts in New York, and there are other cases against him ready to be initiated.

“Most experts believe he will not be sentenced to prison, but that possibility cannot be ruled out. Even if he is sent to prison, it likely will not remove him from the position of the Republican Party’s candidate and could even increase his popularity,” Jatras emphasized.

Source: RTRS
