Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov sent a letter to the participants of the All-Serb Assembly in Belgrade, emphasizing that Serbs and Russians have stood shoulder to shoulder against enemies and invaders and have together built a peaceful life.

“Dear Serb friends! Our peoples are connected by centuries-old ties, shared traditional values, and friendship tested by time and severe trials. Russians and Serbs have resisted enemies and invaders side by side, building a peaceful life together,” Lavrov stated in his letter.

He added, “Today, we face new challenges, jointly opposing forces that try to impose their rules on the entire world, distort history, and instill foreign and inhumane principles in the minds of our children.”

“The heroic Serb people have clearly shown that they will not accept neocolonial subjugation. That is why the West attempts to punish the Serbs, deprive them of freedom, take away their ancestral homes, force them to abandon their right to their own opinion and independent policy, and disassemble and dismantle them,” Lavrov emphasized.

He added that “unity is now more important than ever” and that “it is embedded in the genetic code of the Serbs, clearly reflected in the Serbian symbolism – in the famous phrase ‘Only Unity Saves the Serbs.'”

“Only in unity can we preserve our identity, multiply the historical and cultural heritage left by our ancestors, defend the right to determine our national priorities and strive to implement them, and build harmonious and friendly relations with neighbors,” said the Russian Foreign Minister.

Lavrov noted that “Russia will never turn a blind eye to any injustice against the brotherly Serb people, attempts to demonize Serbs, or trample on their legitimate rights.”

“Together with other freedom-loving nations, we will continue to build a new world order – based on equality, dialogue, mutual respect, and reciprocal recognition of interests,” Lavrov stated in his letter to the participants of today’s All-Serb Assembly in Belgrade.

Source: RTRS
