Sputnik, RT Balkans, Gazeta, Izvestia, and other media outlets reported on the meeting between Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik and Russian President Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg.

The official Kremlin statement said: “I warmly welcome you to St. Petersburg. We last saw each other in Kazan on the sidelines of a sports event. You accepted our invitation to participate in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. We are happy to have you here. Although the overall trade figures have been modest so far, this year we have recorded a noticeable increase compared to the previous year, which is good,” as stated on the official website of the President of Russia.

Regarding Izvestia, their website states: “Trade turnover between Russia and Republika Srpska is increasing.”

“Russia’s stance on Dayton remains unchanged,” is the headline on Sputnik.

“Putin: Stance on Dayton Agreement unchanged; Dodik: We will not impose sanctions on Russia,” writes RT Balkans.

“We are grateful that you are here in St. Petersburg. Our cooperation is strengthening, and trade turnover is increasing,” reports Russian Gazeta.

President Milorad Dodik has stated that he will hold another meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin by the end of the year.

Source: RTRS
