Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, stated that it is extremely hypocritical for representatives of Slovenia, Poland, and Romania to lecture today about European values and human rights protection while simultaneously supporting the disgraceful resolution on Srebrenica and participating in the project of demonizing the Serb people based on falsified historical events and data.

  • They were not concerned about European values when they decided to vote for the resolution and unjustly label the Serb people. They were not interested in the fact that the resolution came to the UN General Assembly unilaterally and arbitrarily, by the will of Bosniak politicians, Košarac emphasized.

At that time, added Košarac, they did not say that it was a dangerous unconstitutional and anti-Dayton action, nor did they ask the representatives of the Serbian people what they thought about it; they were not interested.

When they supported the undermining of the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement, and the dismantling of BiH, Košarac pointed out, they were not worried about its European path; they succumbed to the pressure of the USA and some Western countries, and out of fear, they voted for the resolution.

  • And today they want to give us hindsight wisdom and lecture us?! Do they really believe that they can take away the dignity of the Serbian people, that in the case of my people, human rights and European values do not apply? That they can trample and humiliate us?! That we will bow our heads and humbly watch their bad intentions?! They miscalculated such mathematics. That doesn’t play with us, Košarac wrote on Instagram.

Do not be fooled, he said, by Konaković’s defection from the official policy in BiH, his banditry, and some quasi-diplomatic notes.

  • That is not an official nor agreed stance from BiH. It is an usurpation and abuse of BiH’s foreign policy. It is a decades-old Bosniak delusion that BiH belongs to only one people and that it is possible to present the views of Bosniak politics as the only relevant ones in BiH, Košarac concluded.

Source: RTRS
