BiH on the “foggy” European path. In the whirlwind of the global geostrategic struggle for supremacy, caused by the Ukrainian crisis, “democratic” Brussels triumphantly unlocked the door for the last country in the Balkan waiting room.

Three months later, from the same address, following Washington’s instructions, they persist in their attack on the smoldering Balkan hotspot. While they sometimes swear by the Dayton Agreement and at other times undermine it, they coercively offer money for further unitarization of BiH. For a handful of euros, they deliver new conditions and new modified agendas – framed under the name “Growth Plan.”

For a few million, they aim to “buy out” the entity veto in BiH institutions, the strongest bulwark for preserving the Dayton interests and competences of Republika Srpska.

An objective question arises: where are the European conditions for BiH being devised – in Sarajevo, Brussels, London, or Washington!? Or synchronously. Wherever it may be, Srpska does not abandon the protection of its competences.

Source: RTRS
