The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated in an interview with Sputnik that President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin understands and respects Republika Srpska because Russia, unlike Western countries, is the only witness of the Dayton Agreement that still honors it.

When asked how he envisions Republika Srpska if secession is successful, Dodik said he sees it as a community of peace and a good refuge for all good people.

“I see it as a stable, developed, and wealthy community. It has all the prerequisites to be so. However, the creators of Western policies imposed on us the community of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has hindered the more successful path of Republika Srpska as a prosperous and wealthy community,” Dodik emphasized.

When asked about President Putin’s stance on the idea of peaceful separation of Srpska within Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dodik replied:

“He understands and respects Republika Srpska. The Russian Federation is a witness to the signing of the Dayton Agreement, and it is the only one that has remained true to that agreement. All others from the West have long abandoned the Dayton Agreement, creating solutions that are beyond it and the Constitution. This is nothing new, as President Putin himself experienced this kind of deception from the West when he signed the Minsk Agreement, believing that it would lead to stabilization and implementation of the agreement, only to later find out that the real interest of the West was to deceive and trick Russia,” Dodik said.

Responding to a question about whether he fears sanctions due to relations with Russia, Dodik recalled that Republika Srpska did not join Western sanctions against the Russian Federation and emphasized that Western countries are trying to prevent any cooperation between European entities and Russia.

“We maintain all relations with our old and traditional business partners here in Russia and are discussing new opportunities, seeking ways to make that cooperation successful, to our mutual satisfaction. Our people are aware of the difficulties and challenges, but they are not willing to submit to unjust sanctions against the Russian Federation,” emphasized the President of Srpska.

In the interview for Sputnik on the sidelines of the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg (SPIEF), Dodik also spoke about the resolution on Srebrenica recently adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.

He noted that the resolution is named as such only to appear pompous and serious.

“But it is unserious because it is not supported by the majority of the international community. It is unconstitutional because it was initiated outside the constitutional principles and rules of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It represents a private act of people from Sarajevo. It is not a subject of decision by constitutionally mandated bodies, to be initiated in the form of an initiative,” Dodik stated.

Dodik emphasized that the resolution is treated in Republika Srpska exactly as prescribed by the rules of procedure of the UN General Assembly and that it has permanently divided any possibility of joint life for the Serb and Bosniak peoples.

Source: RTRS
