The Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, stated that Republika Srpska values Russia’s support on the international stage and Moscow’s willingness to resist the West, which, through false interpretations of the events in Srebrenica in 1995, attempts to label the entire Serbian people as genocidal.

  • The truth is on our side. We must defend the truth together and prevent historical revisionism, Košarac said to the Russian Gazette. He arrived in the Russian Federation to participate in the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg.

Košarac emphasized the importance of joint Russian-Serb opposition to the growing falsification of history.

  • I want to thank the leadership and people of the Russian Federation for the May vote by Russia’s representatives in the UN General Assembly against the resolution on the events in Srebrenica in 1995, Košarac said.

He pointed out that this resolution was initiated by the Bosniaks and put to a vote without the approval of the BiH Presidency, where it could never have been approved in this form.

  • I remind you that in 2015, the United Kingdom already attempted to push through a similar document in the UN Security Council. At that time, Russia, through the voice of Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, firmly said “no,” Košarac said.

Source: RTRS
